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MajestyJo 05-16-2014 03:44 AM


Friday, May 16, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

More majestic than a cardinal, as shining as a pyx.
—Gustave Flaubert

What in the world is a pyx? If we don't have an expert nearby, we'll have to look in a book. There we'll find it defined, explained, fixed. Now what in the world is love? It doesn't live in a tree or a book, so where in the world do we look? Can we find love in the house, maybe swept under the rug? Can we know the feel of it in our hands, see it written on the lines of faces we know? Does it make a sound - maybe laugh and cry? Does it know how to speak, form words carefully, write letters? Is it only written on the heart?

We find love inside us, and our love seeks itself out in others. We find it in the familiar footfall of a brother or sister, the sound of a parent's voice in the next room, and yet, too often we don't express it directly. When we do, our love thrives in all we do together.

What does love have to do with the ordinary facts of life?
For me it is a desire to live; much better than my desire to stop the world and get off, which is how I felt before recovery.

MajestyJo 05-17-2014 05:16 AM


Saturday, May 17, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Growth is the only evidence of life.
—John, Cardinal Newman

We should be thankful we can never reach complete serenity. If we could, we would never have the need to improve ourselves. We would stop growing, because there would be no reason to learn any more than we already know, and we would become bored. Even the things, which seem so serene in nature usually contain a struggle within. A lake, with a swan gliding slowly across it, seems a perfect picture of serenity. But, unseen below the surface, fish, turtles, and frogs struggle each day for survival.

The important thing is to accept the struggles as a part of the beauty of life, not as blemishes on it.

What struggles shall help me grow better today?
Learning to say "No!" Doing first things first, which is my sobriety (soundness of mind). Without me, I have nothing. My family and friends don't have me either, they can't do it for me, they can be a support, but I need to be honest with myself, open my mind to new ideas and concepts, and be willing to go to any length to maintain that sobriety. No just putting down the drug, but applying the Steps to myself and remember recovery begins with me. We may not think we are addicts, but we live our life through others, we pick up people to fix and take care of. I am powerless over people, places, and things.

I can't stop my son from using, but I can pray for him and not enable him.

MajestyJo 05-18-2014 02:03 AM


Sunday, May 18, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven.
—Thomas Fuller

We have all seen adventure movies in which the heroes or villains are caught on a bridge that collapses. As they fall to whatever lies below, they are perhaps able to climb to one side or the other. But for the time being, their ability to cross between the two sides is gone.

When we have been hurt by people in our lives, or when we have hurt others, mutual forgiveness is needed in order to rebuild the trust between us. It is very much like rebuilding a bridge - one piece at a time. We take cautious steps at first - testing the safety and strength of our bridge.

When two people have become separated by loss or anger, it is forgiveness that can rebuild the bridge between them. Forgiveness needs time and so does the rebuilding of trust.

Can I begin to rebuild a friendship today?
This reminded me of the question, "How do you start a new meeting?"
With a resentment and a coffee pot!

For me it is about seeing where they are going and what direction they are taking. I have a couple of friends who are heavy smokers and I just can't go into their home. When they came to me, they would smoke on my balcony, but they would bring the smoke back in with them.

I can pick up the phone and call, but I can't jeopardize my sobriety. If I picked up a cigarette, I would die faster than if I picked up a drink or another drug. First things first, my sobriety. Hopefully the lung specialist will have some answers for me on the 28th. It is one of the reasons that I can't always go to a meeting, I can't get through all the smoke without having chronic pain and major coughing fits.

The forgiveness is there although I do have to admit, that I have problems with people, who keep doing and saying the same things over and over again, and have not made the steps to change and help themselves. I can't do it for them. All I can do is pray.

MajestyJo 05-19-2014 03:52 AM


Monday, May 19, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

As we learn we always change, and so our perception. This changed perception then becomes a new Teacher inside each of us.
—Hyemeyohsts Storm

Hyemeyohsts Storm's book, Seven Arrows, tells the stories of one of the Indian tribes in this country before most of its members were killed. They believed that change was important for growth. Change is sometimes frightening. We usually prefer the familiar, no matter how uncomfortable, over taking a chance on the unknown.

When fear gets in the way of making healthy changes, we talk to fear, inviting it along with us on our course of action. Getting to know fear allows us to ask it for a gift: the courage to walk with fear by our side and learn from it as we go. It allows us to learn which fear is blocking our progress and which fear is healthy - cautioning us against actions that might be harmful.

What fear might I make a friend of today?
One of my long time running fears has been hungry and running out of food. I know my God provides and He has many times. I will have to process this and do some praying and have a little talk with my God.

MajestyJo 05-20-2014 02:10 AM


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

For nothing can be sole or whole that has not been rent.
—W. B. Yeats

The maple out front is young and healthy, but it grows in the shape of a Y. Neighborhood tree experts have warned that as it grows, it will split in half as the weight of the two main branches pull down against each other. One of these two beautiful branches, already lush with new leaves, must be cut. But once pruned, the remaining branch will straighten as it reaches for the sun. It will grow faster, and the whole tree will live many years longer - all by cutting it back today.

Sometimes we are like this tree. We go in too many directions, and can't seem to do any one thing well. When this happens, we need to give something up, to choose which direction we want and stick with it. The results will be well worth the price.

What is holding me back from growth?
The slogan "First Things First." Don't question the program, it works when I work for it. Without my recovery, I have nothing, and my family and friends don't have me either.

When I have growing pains, I try to get back to basics. Look at what I have allowed to get in my way and take up my time and steered me in a different path. Will it take me where I need to be, or do I have to turn around, check at the Steps I took or didn't take, and talk to my sponsor. If you don't have one, I suggest you get one.

MajestyJo 05-21-2014 02:15 AM


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies. . . .
—Erich Fromm

A robin comes alive by breaking out of its shell. The small bird struggles to break out of the safety of the blue egg. Once out, it struggles to grow, slowly learning how to eat, walk, and fly.

We, too, struggle as we grow. There is brokenness in all of our lives - broken hearts and broken dreams. Yet these experiences open our way to a world of growing. We find comfort in the presence of a Power greater than ourselves in the same way a baby bird finds warmth near the body of its mother. We, too, can grow stronger every day, learning to take in nourishment and trying out our new wings.

What struggles have made me as strong as I am today?
For me it has been learning to live with five different types of arthritis, and not abuse my medication, and not go back into narcotics that would make the pain go away. Several doctors over the years, have told me that in order to get rid of my tremon disorder in my left hand was to pick up a glass of alcohol. Now it is in both hands, using is not an option. As I was told in treatment, the body manufactures the pain to tell you that you need more.

MajestyJo 05-22-2014 01:58 AM


Thursday, May 22, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

If it's sanity you're after, there's no recipe like laughter.
—Henry Rutherford Elliot

A smile is the earliest form of communication. A human infant smiles in the first few weeks of life. As the child grows, it learns how to turn the smile into a laugh - a joyous response reflecting pleasure.

A sense of humor, a feeling of fun, and an ability to laugh are all signs of emotional maturity. Healthy laughter frees us; it is the sunshine that makes life's shadows interesting. When we develop the ability to see the humor in a situation, we gain the ability to handle it.

We were born with smiles. They are as much a part of us as our teeth and hair. Polished and cared for, our smiles can grow into a sense of humor that will help us through the painful times.

How can I turn troubles into smiles today?
I had to learn to laugh at myself and look at my actions and decisions I took to get me to where I am in today. Most times I am my own worst enemy.

MajestyJo 05-23-2014 01:45 AM


Friday, May 23, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

The prayer of the chicken hawk does not get him the chicken.
—Swahili Proverb

Imagine flying high over the grassy plains searching with piercing eyes for dinner down below. The sun is warm on our backs as we catch the heated updrafts and rest, always watching, always praying, that dinner will be provided for the little ones back in the nest.

Dinner will be provided, of that the hawk is sure. It has faith. But the faith and the prayer will not put the chicken in its talons. It is going to have to keep looking, and, when it spots the prey, its wings will fold back, and its sleek body will plummet out of the sky. It will brake quickly with broad wings and clasp the unsuspecting supper on the fly.

Like the hawk, once we have prayed, we must get to work. Our goal isn't going to be done for us. We can pray for the strength and wisdom we will need to get it done, and that prayer will be answered. But, as the hawk knows, it's up to us to do the work.

What is my goal today, and my first step toward it?
Invite my God into my day and ask for what I need to stay clean and sober in today. First things first, my recovery, without it I don't have me.

It mentions the "Hawk" and Jamie Sams says it is the Messenger. I ask for 'Hawk Medicine' to help me carry the message to the Alcoholic/Addict who still suffers.

D. J. Conway says:

Clear-sightedness, being observant. Far memory or calling for a spiritual message of omens and dreams. Overcoming problems, taking advantage of an opportunity. Courage, defense, wisdom, illumination, new life, creativity, truth, experience. Getting a larger over-view so you can make better decisions.

MajestyJo 05-24-2014 01:52 AM


Saturday, May 24, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Spring does not ask an audience, but shapes each blossom perfectly, indifferent to applause.
—Joan Walsh Anglund

In the spring each blossom brings its own shape, color, and fragrance. The lilacs come early to spread their lavender splash. Apple trees burst into white, cherry blossoms into pink, and each weaves its unique and pleasant perfume.

They don't bloom because someone told them to, or because they will receive anything in return. They bloom for the pure joy of blooming. They bloom because that is what they are here to do.

Each one of us blooms in our own time, with our own color and fragrance. Every one of us is a special and important blossom, and we are all part of the tree of life.

How will my day today help me grow?
Keep my committments, and for me, if I cannot make it, then I phone to postpone or cancel. Respecting others, I am NOT the only one. I feel like being late, I am disrespectful. One of my pet peeves because of this is going to my doctors and waiting an hour to get into see him. It took a little more work on the issue, when I went in and it said if you were 10 min. late for your appointment, it would be cancelled and you would have to rebook.

When I look at where I was and where I am in today, I see growth. That does not mean that I do not have to pull some weeds, add a little fertizer, and nurture myself, by giving my body, mind, and spirit the food it needs and a little watering, to get rid of the old to make room for the new.

MajestyJo 05-25-2014 02:15 AM


Sunday, May 25, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Do we really know anybody? Who does not wear one face to hide another?
—Francis Marion

A woman in her fifties watched her mother in her eighties struggle against the wrinkles in her face and neck, trying to hide them, pretend they weren't there. She wanted her mother to accept that she was getting older but found her unwilling to listen.

Haven't we all run into this situation? We can learn so much just by remembering that what is right for one person may not be right for another, and others are entitled to decide how they want to behave. Often, we are just worried about ourselves, concerned, for instance, with our own ability to age gracefully. We don't need someone else to do it for us. We can take care of ourselves.

What do I worry about in another that I can take care of in myself?
The nice thing about recovery, we don't have to hide behind masks. With me what you see is what you get. If you met me in person, you would see the person you read about on the site. As I said to my friend Bert today, "We aren't too bad for a couple of 72 year olds.

As they say, "If you find yourself pointing a finger at someone, you have three coming back at you." I try not to do this any more, got tired of doing so much work on myself. I learned whatI saw in others, was a reflection from with in me, be it positive or negative.

My worry in today is that my son will not choose recovery. He has no connection to God, and I pray that he finds the way. All I can do is pray, for him and for me.

MajestyJo 05-26-2014 07:22 AM


Monday, May 26, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

An oak and a reed were arguing about their strength. When a strong wind came up, the reed avoided being uprooted by bending and leaning with the gusts of wind. But the oak stood firm and was torn up by the roots.

Within each of us, as in the reed and the oak, is a single characteristic, which is both our strongest and weakest trait. The bending which keeps the reed alive makes it weak, we might think. Some of us see both sides of every argument and are good team players, fair judges, and compassionate friends. But like the reed - always bending to the needs of others - we may never know what we want or who we are.

Some of us believe we are like the oak: strong and tough and successful in the face of most difficulty. But we may never learn to accept flaws in ourselves.

We are wise to remember that no trait is strong or weak, but we make it so by how we use it. We can use our strength to stand straight in the face of hardship, and we can use our strength to bend.

What is my strongest and weakest trait?
Foregiveness and letting go the weakest and my strongest would be empathy, knowing and accepting where others and myself are coming from. I have been told over the years that I am a strong woman. The strength doesn't come from me, it is only through my God that all things are possible.

MajestyJo 05-27-2014 03:11 AM


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

If your life is ever going to get better, you'll have to take risks. There is simply no way you can grow without taking chances.
—David Viscott

One sunny day a caterpillar who was afraid of the dark came to a tunnel, which lay squarely in its path. It had a choice of going back where it started, or summoning the courage to crawl into the darkness. "What shall I do?" wondered the caterpillar. "If I go back home, I won't get where I want to go, but I'm so afraid!"

Just then, a voice called out from the tunnel. "I can hear you, Mr. Caterpillar. I am Mr. Beetle. I am here in the tunnel and I can see the other end. If you come through, you won't lose your fear of the dark, but you will get where you want to go."

We are all like the caterpillar once in a while. But if we let our fear stop us from doing things, which are necessary to our growth, we will never realize what courage we really have.

Is my fear a necessary part of new experiences?
I know there are healthy fears. I don't walk in from of a bus and expect that my God will put His Hand down and grab me by the scruff of the neck and say, "Don't go there."

What kept me sober for the first few months, until I could detox enough to understand and work the program, was fear of going back to where I came from. I didn't want to detox again. I didn't want to stand in the way of my son's addiction, I had to let go and let His God lead and guide him. I had to realize I was not his Higher Power, and live and let live.

Every once in a while, I have trouble grasping onto hope, and fear he will dies as a result of his disease. I had to realize it was his choice, and I didn't have the power to change him. All I could do was work my own program and lead by example.

It was a real risk to ask him to leave and he ended up in shelters and was homeless. I feared that I was a bad mom, but I needed to practice tough love. It is not easy to be a good member of Al-Anon and a mother too.

MajestyJo 05-28-2014 01:24 AM


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

The little rabbit stood alone, watching her family and friends hop and skip about her in the forest, playing her favorite rabbit game. Try as she might, each time she attempted to join in, she tripped about awkwardly. When this happened, the other rabbits laughed uproariously at her and called her "Grace." Soon even she forgot her real name. But in the moments when Grace was alone, she danced around the trees with ease. She was as smooth and graceful as any ballerina. An old owl sat high above her one night, watching her intently. The moonlight streamed through the treetops like a soft spotlight and he sat and watched as little Grace moved in and out of the moonbeams. Finally he said, "Grace, you are more graceful than any creature I've ever seen." Grace was startled that someone had been watching her, but listened carefully to the wise owl's words as he continued. "You have carried this beauty within you all the time, but locked it inside when you tried too hard." If we remember to relax and trust in ourselves, we, too, will discover that we are able.

What hidden ability can I set loose today?
Some days I think they are all hiding or I lost them along the way.

What I need is to be strong, in my faith and my beliefs.

MajestyJo 05-29-2014 02:06 AM


Thursday, May 29, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

The only people who never fail are those who never try.
—Ilka Chase

A boy once asked his grandfather how he had become so happy and successful in his life. "Right decisions," replied his grandfather. The boy thought for a while and then asked a second question, "But how do you learn to make right decisions?" The grandfather answered quickly with a twinkle in his eye, "Wrong decisions!"

We, too, will learn from our "wrong decisions," our mistakes. Whenever we try anything, there is always the possibility of failure. We must learn to not let this keep us from trying. When we are willing to try, we have already conquered our fear. We can grow no matter what the outcome is.

What failure have I turned into success?
Getting involved in service. I had a lot of self-esteem issues, and as they say in the program, the best way to overcome it is to do esteem-able acts.

MajestyJo 05-30-2014 02:31 AM


Friday, May 30, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

The cut worm forgives the plow.
—William Blake

Would anyone believe that rain abuses grass, or accuse roots, hungry for a better hold on life, of digging too far into earth's flesh? And if the earth should have to quake, would anyone blame it for cracking here and there? Look closely at the small world of busy life overturned in the garden each spring. No ant there curses another bug, and no worm curses itself. Though they can neither speak nor think, even small creatures know enough to accept their pain as a natural part of life.

Why, then, should we waste time blaming others, or ourselves, for the natural sensations of life?

In the process of new growth, can we expect no pain?
Heard it first at AA, "No pain, no gain." I think we have growing pains, as we go through change. It is a process not a quick fix.

As I have said many times, "Today thanks to the 12 Steps and the Fellowship(s), and because I changed and have a choice about picking up the tools of recovery, which helps me to deal with life on life's terms.

Our emotional, mental, and spiritual pain can come out physically, and visa versa.

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