Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

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MajestyJo 07-01-2014 02:10 PM

love hate
desire aversion
joy sadness
fear courage
hope despair
happiness anger

Received this list from a friend and added the last one myself.

Feel the feelings and do it anyway.
Just because you have a feeling, doesn't mean you have act on it.
Feel it, label it, know it for what it is. Don't try to shove it away, bury it, ignore it, but allow yourself to feel so you can heal.

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

- Carl W. Buechner

“You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.”

- lstyd

Some of my favorite recovery sayings are:

"Feel the fear and do it any way."


- Face everythings and recover

- Flee everything and run

When I was three and my brother was two, I saw him killed and blamed myself for his death. From that time onward, I shoved down the feelings and didn't want to feel. I have no visual of this event, all I had were the words in my head, "Dougie come out of the way." I thought because he was coming to me, I killed him. What I didn't know until I learned in my 50s from my aunt, was that I had nominated myself as his caretaker the day he was born. A lot to take on 9 days before her 2nd birthday.

Make the journey from your head to your heart.

Posted on another site in 2010

MajestyJo 07-03-2014 10:31 AM

Heal Your Life

I receive the word of Love clearly and easily. I enjoy receiving and following the Divine guidance that I hear. My spiritual ears are open, now.

Doreen Virtue

Have a lot of angel cards that she has written.

MajestyJo 07-07-2014 04:16 PM

Something I posted in 2004 on another site. It could be a repeat of something here. :(


I grew up in the fifties with practical parents -- a Mother, God love her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original recycle queen, before they had a name for it...

Father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones.

Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived barely a wave away. I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat and Mom in a house dress, lawn mower in one hand, dishtowel in the other.

It was the time for fixing things -- a curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy.

All that re-fixing, reheating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there'd always be more.

But then my Mother died, and on that clear summer's night, in the warmth of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any 'more.'

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away...never to return.

So...while we have's best we love it.....and care for it.....and fix it when it's broken.....and heal it when it's sick.

This is true.....for marriage.....and old cars.....and children with bad report cards.....and dogs with bad hips.....and aging parents.....and grandparents.

We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.

Some things we keep.

Like a best friend that moved away -- or -- a classmate we grew up with.

There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special.....and so, we keep them close!

I received this from someone who thought I was a 'keeper'! Then I sent it to the people I think of in the same way. Now it's your turn to send this to those people that are "keepers" in your life.I grew up in the fifties with practical parents -- a Mother, God love her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original recycle queen, before they had a name for it...

Father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones.

Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived barely a wave away. I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat and Mom in a house dress, lawn mower in one hand, dishtowel in the other.

It was the time for fixing things -- a curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy.

All that re-fixing, reheating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there'd always be more.

But then my Mother died, and on that clear summer's night, in the warmth of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any 'more.'

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away...never to return.

So...while we have's best we love it.....and care for it.....and fix it when it's broken.....and heal it when it's sick.

This is true.....for marriage.....and old cars.....and children with bad report cards.....and dogs with bad hips.....and aging parents.....and grandparents.

We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.

Some things we keep.

Like a best friend that moved away -- or -- a classmate we grew up with.

There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special.....and so, we keep them close!

I received this from someone who thought I was a 'keeper'! Then I sent it to the people I think of in the same way. Now it's your turn to send this to those people that are "keepers" in your life.

MajestyJo 07-15-2014 03:12 AM


I argued with my sponsor about God. He wrote on a piece of paper: 'God as I understand God is...' and said, 'Go home and finish this sentence. So, I thought about this for a long time, then wrote pages and pages about what I thought was the quintessential distillation of every theory, every religious notion about God. And here I had created the perfect one. I took it back to him, he didn't even look at it, he just crumpled it up and said: 'Good, now go home and pray to it.' - John L.

- Alkiespeaks

This affirms something that I am a firm believer of, it doesn't matter what your concept is of God is, as long as you get a picture in your own mind, and you in turn pray to it.

It is "God" as I understand Him. Many change it to read "God as I understand God." When you get to Step Three, it changes to "God as we understood Him."

I find an understanding, and that understanding changes over time and as I have said many times, "God is as He reveals Himself to me in today.

I have to be aware. I have to connect. I have to learn to trust. I have to learn to wait on His time, not mine. It is always good to pray and close with "Thy will, not mine be done."

A quiet is never remiss. A continuing literary praying for the same thing over and over again, shows lack of trust. I think I used the right word. As I heard a priest (he became one in recovery and has over 50 years sober) say, "It is a wonder God doesn't lean over the side of heaven and say, "Will you all just shut up!"

He also made me aware that our inventory and recovery is in today, not about what was, but what is in today. Pray and God will see you through it.
Posted in 2011

When something from my past comes into my thoughts in today, I do a 4th and 5th Step on the situation. As new things come up in today, I do a 10th Step, call my sponsor, and if needed will do a 4th to deal with the feelings and check to see if today is rooted in the past.

Don't let the past take over your today.

Sorry if some are reruns. They were brouught to my attention today, so thought I would share them with you.

MajestyJo 07-22-2014 06:49 PM

Didn't find recovery until I was 49 years old. I thought I had missed out on life, only to find a new beginning to a wonderful new way of living. When I was two years sober, I wanted to stand on the top of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (just newly built), and say, "Hey People, I have found a new way to live, let me tell you all about it. Ten years later, thanks to the internet, I was telling the world. Here I am 20 years later, still carrying the message of recovery and how it has worked for me.

When you look at each day as a new beginning and think of yourself as a newcomer, the blessings are bountiful. I don't mean monitary values, although some achieve it, my blessings have been priceless. The biggest gift is finding myself.

MajestyJo 07-24-2014 05:11 PM

Someone has written these beautiful words. Try to understand the deep meanings in them.

They are "like" the Ten Commandments meant to be followed in life all the time.

1] Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble; it is a "steering wheel" that directs us in the right path throughout life.
2] Do you know why a car's WINDSHIELD is so large and the rear view mirror is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. So, look ahead and move on.
3] Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.
4] All things in life are temporary. If going well enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong don't worry, they can't last long either.
5] Old friends are like Gold! New friends are Diamonds! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a base of Gold!

6] Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!
7] When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.

8] A blind person asked St. Anthony: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision."

9] When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them; and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.

10] WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES; it takes away today's PEACE.

This could be a repeat, just not sure where it is posted. As Bluidkiti said to me several years ago, "It doesn't matter, it speaks to you in today."

MajestyJo 07-27-2014 03:29 AM

MajestyJo 08-08-2014 03:01 AM


Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.

- Carl Jung

In early recovery, due to a much needed 'attitude' adjustment, I remember scoffing at the phrase "If you didn't have difficult moments, you wouldn't be able to enjoy or recognize the good ones when they came."

Of course, I wanted everything yesterday. I wanted the quick fix, and the "now I have quit drinking" syndrome made me think that everything should be going my way and how dare anything or anyone rain on my parade.

We tend to forget that we didn't get sick overnight and we don't heal and get better overnight, especially if we are not willing to do any work on changing our lives, our attitude and the people, place and things that were apart of our journey to get here.

Why should I get cravings just because I choose to go visit my old 'buddies' in the bar? Why shouldn't I feel like I want to substitute my drug of choice for a little weed when I go and visit my best friend, who I met the last time I was in jail. Why shouldn't I be happy, joyous and free even though I am acting out in my old ways and still being mentally, emotionally and physically abusive to those around me. There is nothing wrong with me anymore, I don't drink. It is everyone else's fault. Life would be so better if people would just do what I .......

The great "I" am, if I don't lose it, I will lose it. Sobriety that is!

Another post from 2004.

When I read these old posts, it reminds me that this is a one day at a time program. Here it is 10 years later, I can still get into these thoughts. The good things are the tools of recovery.

MajestyJo 08-10-2014 02:07 AM

"Take Advantage of the Storm"

By Bob Perks

Answers to life can be found in everyday events.

Watching nature, watching people and watching
animals interact with each other provides some
of the simplest solutions to life's biggest problems.

This became more apparent to me yesterday.

It caused me to ask myself, "How do I respond to the storms in life?"

People run when it starts to rain. I love to walk in it.

My wife, hates thunder. I love to stand on my front porch and feel it. I grew up doing it and never really felt the fear many people do when a bolt of lightening flashes and the windows rattle in my house.

I remember a religious sister telling how wonderful the storm was the night before. "Oh, the power of God!" she proclaimed.

They have proven that the animal world senses far in advance changes in the weather, earthquakes, tsunamis and approaching storms.

My dog, Ricky begins to shake long before the storm is close enough to notice.

I was about to feed my three dogs yesterday and as usual, I let them out in the yard first.

They weren't even off the deck when thunder rolled across the skies and they did an immediate about face.

I have learned long ago that there is no sense forcing them to remain there. They will accomplish nothing.

So, I placed their food in their bowls and called Ricky into the kitchen. If he could have crawled any closer to the floor he'd be a snake.

I thought he'd never eat, but he began to do so and I walked away.

Phil shakes like one of those old electric football games that vibrated the players across the field. So I expected nothing from him.

Upon my return to the kitchen Ricky was just standing there in place next to his bowl.

I always mix a little white meat chicken in his food. He apparently was brave enough to eat some it right out of the dry food leaving most everything else.

The thunder became louder and more frequent. The wind caused a few branches to bang against the roof thus forcing him to abandon his meal.

I urged him to go lie down and he did.

Then I watched Phil. Shaking like a wind up toy he made his way across the tiled kitchen floor and stood over Ricky's bowl.

He ate all the remaining tiny pieces of chicken and a few of the dry.

Normally, if Ricky was standing there, he wouldn't dare come close.

But today, he took advantage of the storm.

In spite of his fear, he saw an opportunity to get what he wanted. His desire for the prize outweighed his fear of the storm.

That's when it hit me. There was a powerful lesson in it for me and I hope for you.

As humans we face all kinds of storms. They roll in unannounced, pass through quickly or stay for much too long.

Sometimes we crawl into a corner or pull the blankets of false security over our heads and shake and shiver praying it will all pass so we can get on with life.

If you dare stick your head out for a moment you might be surprised to discover there are people out there in the same storms doing what they must do to get what they must have out of life.

Most storms are like those natural storms. Yes, there is the reality of experiencing some damage or loss, but for the most part they are all thunder and lightening putting on a show of God's magnificent power.

Isn't it time you decided too?

"Take Advantage of the Storm?"

I think this may be a rerun, but it gave me pause for thought, so I am sharing it with you.

MajestyJo 08-12-2014 08:41 AM


MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#4055 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

Warning Light

Today I was driving in my truck up a busy street,
talking out loud to God, as I sometimes do.

I glanced down at my gas gauge for the 10th time only to see that I was still on empty, and the orange glow of the warning light was still very much glowing at me.

I had been telling God that I didn't know what to do and that I was in need of His wisdom.

My car insurance was due yesterday, my truck payment is 3 months overdue, my cell phone was turned off,
(I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks so that is a big one for me).

I am on medical disability for my anxiety, no job and very broke.

I explained to God that something really needed to change, and that I am at my end and can't do this anymore.

Now, let me explain something to you.

I believe in God. I attend an awesome church but not as
regularly as I should. I have a Bible but don't pick it up to read it as often as I should. I have so many opportunities to attend small group studies with my church and even get togethers, but I don't.

That's when it hit me.

I was running on empty.

My spiritual Warning Light has been glowing orange for months now, and I have just kept on going; filling up just enough to get me by, like I do with my gas tank, fill up with just $10.00 worth of gas to get me to the next week.

I didn't get the meaning of it until today. It hit me.

I was actually having a MountainWings moment, and I was excited.

I pulled over and thanked God for showing me what changes I needed to make, what I had to do to fill myself with spiritual fuel.

It was so simple that I had to laugh about it.

It's amazing how we talk to God, and yet sometimes never really open ourselves to listen for his reply.

~A MountainWings Original by Lisa Gizman, Lewiston, ID~

This was sent to me by a friend, and as they say, "God works through people, places and things."

It was because of a spiritual awareness like this that brought me to this site. I know that I can't just 'get by' and that I need spiritual food and I thank you all for being a part of my daily diet.

From 2004

The same is true in today, without you there is no me.

MajestyJo 08-15-2014 11:18 PM

Self Massage

There are simple massage techniques you can do it yourself. This is a great "pick-me-up" after a hard day of work. You can also get benefits of massage by immersing yourself in a Jacuzzi with the water doing the massaging.

Many massage and wellness centers offer workshops on massages and partner massages. It may be worthwhile going for a workshop to get some familiarity with this technique.

For the exercises given below you don’t need anything other than a few tennis balls, a quiet corner and your own two hands.


Pressure points in your skull can relax your whole body. There are two very significant acupressure points at the base of the skull on what's called the occipital ridge. If you apply consistent pressure there, you can achieve total relaxation.

How do you find these points and apply pressure on those spots? There is a simple solution. Put two tennis balls in a sock and tie the end. Lie on your back on the floor and place the sock behind the upper neck, so that the two balls each touch the skull ridge that's right above the hollow spot. Stay like that for 20 minutes. If you like, you can listen to soothing music. The pressure on those acupressure points send messages down the spinal column to relax all the muscles and it is very effective.


Just touch your face. There's no need to knead it. With a very light touch, cup your cheeks and temples with your hands using no more pressure than the weight of a nickel. Hold your hands there for a minute. The warmth of the hands relaxes the muscles and connective tissue, bringing on an overall sense of relief.


Pull the sides of your ears gently straight outward, then straight up, then straight down. Or, with your index finger, press the tender spot next to your earlobe where it attaches to your head. Press and release. Now do it on the other ear. Repeat, alternating ears, 10 to 15 times.


Get a quick boost by rubbing the area above your kidneys. That's at waist level where the tissue is still soft. Rub briskly with your fists in a circular motion. This energizes the whole body.


Foot massage is very soothing. After you try the following techniques on one foot, switch feet and repeat.
Sit on a chair and place one foot on the opposite thigh. Rub some massage oil or lotion onto your foot if you like. Apply pressure with your thumbs to the sole of your foot, working from the bottom of your arch to the top near your big toe. Repeat five times.

Make a fist and press your knuckles into the bottom of your foot, moving from your heel to your toes. Repeat five times.

Massage each toe by holding it firmly and moving it from side to side. Extend each toe gently out and away from the ball of your foot. Then apply pressure to the areas between your toes.

Hold your toes in one hand and bend them backward holding them there for five to ten seconds. Then bend them in the opposite direction and hold for five to ten seconds. Repeat three times.
Press and roll your thumbs between the bones of the ball of your foot.


Tip of the Day for March 08, 2004 from the Five As

Still sounds usable in March 25, 2013

Nothing soothes like a hot rice pack on the back of your neck or
wherever aches you most. The simplest way to create one is with an intact tube sock or pillow case. Just pour in several cups of dry, raw rice--any rice except instant rice works fine. Tie the sock or pillow case closed with a good knot.

Toss your sack in the microwave for about two minutes or so, until it reaches the perfect hot temperature to relax any muscle spasm.

Heating time depends on the size of your sack and the strength of
your microwave. When it begins to cool, place it directly on your
clothes or skin. Rice sacks heat up more intensely than electric
heating pads and are much safer. Their flexible consistency is
particularly soothing.

(Source: "Ten Tips on Living with Fibromyalgia Syndrome" by Deborah A. Barrett, Ph.D. This tip provided courtesy of

MajestyJo 08-15-2014 11:22 PM

Exercise: A Healthy Habit to Start and Keep

How much exercise do I need?
Talk to your doctor about how much exercise is right for you. A good
goal for many people is to work up to exercising 4 to 6 times a week
for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. Remember, though, that exercise has
so many benefits that any amount is better than none.

How do I get started?

Sneak exercise into your day
a.. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
b.. Go for a walk during your coffee break or lunch.
c.. Walk all or part of the way to work.
d.. Do housework at a fast pace.
e.. Rake leaves or do other yard work.

Start by talking with your doctor. This is especially important if
you haven't been active, if you have any health problems, or if
you're pregnant or elderly.

Start out slowly. If you've been inactive for years, you can't run
the Boston Marathon after 2 weeks of training. Begin with a 10-minute
period of light exercise or a brisk walk every day and gradually
increase how hard you exercise and for how long.

How do I stick with it?
Here are some tips that will help you start and stick with an
exercise program:

· Choose something you like to do. Make sure it suits you
physically, too. For instance, swimming is easier on arthritic joints.

· Get a partner. Exercising with someone else can make it
more fun.

· Vary your routine. You may be less likely to get bored or
injured if you change your routine. Walk one day. Bicycle the next.
Consider activities like dancing and racquet sports, and even chores
like chopping wood.

· Choose a comfortable time of day. Don't work out too soon
after eating or when it's too hot or cold outside. Wait until later
in the day if you're too stiff in the morning.

· Don't get discouraged. It can take weeks or months before
you notice some of the changes from exercise.

· Forget "no pain, no gain." While a little soreness is
normal after you first start exercising, pain isn't. Stop if you hurt.

· Make exercise fun. Read, listen to music or watch TV while
riding a stationary bicycle, for example. Find fun things to do, like
taking a walk through the zoo. Go dancing. Learn how to play tennis.

Making exercise a habit

a.. Stick to a regular time every day.
b.. Sign a contract committing yourself to exercise.
c.. Put "exercise appointments" on your calendar.
d.. Keep a daily log or diary of your activities.
e.. Check your progress. Can you walk a certain distance
faster now than when you began? Or is your heart rate slower now?
f.. Ask your doctor to write a prescription for your exercise
program, such as what type of exercise to do, how often to exercise
and for how long.
g.. Think about joining a health club. The cost gives some
people an incentive to exercise regularly.

How can I prevent injuries?
Start every workout with a warm-up. That will make your muscles and
joints more flexible. Spend 5 to 10 minutes doing some light
calisthenics and stretching exercises, and perhaps brisk walking. Do
the same thing when you're done working out--until your heart rate
returns to normal.

Pay attention to your body. Stop exercising if you feel very out of
breath, dizzy, faint or nauseated, or have pain.

Benefits of regular exercise
a.. Reduces your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure,
osteoporosis, diabetes and obesity
b.. Keeps joints, tendons and ligaments flexible so it's
easier to move around
c.. Reduces some of the effects of aging
d.. Contributes to your mental well-being and helps treat
e.. Helps relieve stress and anxiety
f.. Increases your energy and endurance
g.. Helps you sleep better
h.. Helps you maintain a normal weight by increasing your
metabolism (the rate you burn calories).

What is a target heart rate?

Measuring your heart rate (beats per minute) can tell you how hard
your heart is working. You can check your heart rate by counting your
pulse for 15 seconds and multiplying the beats by 4.

The chart to the right shows the target heart rates for people of
different ages. When you're just beginning an exercise program, shoot
for the lower target heart rate (60%). As your fitness improves, you
can exercise harder to get your heart rate closer to the top number

What is aerobic exercise?
Aerobic exercise is the type that moves large muscle groups and
causes you to breathe more deeply and your heart to work harder to
pump blood.

It's also called cardiovascular exercise. It improves the health of
your heart and lungs.

Examples include walking, jogging, running, aerobic dance, bicycling,
rowing, swimming and cross-country skiing.

What is weight-bearing exercise?
The term weight-bearing is used to describe exercises that work
against the force of gravity. Weight-bearing exercise is important
for building strong bones. Having strong bones helps prevent
osteoporosis and bone fractures later in life.

Examples of weight-bearing exercises include walking, jogging,
hiking, climbing stairs, dancing and weight training.

What about weight training?
Weight training, or strength training, builds strength and muscles.
Calisthenics like push-ups are weight-training exercises too. Lifting
weights is a weight-training exercise. If you have high blood
pressure or other health problems, talk to your family doctor before
beginning weight training.

What is the best exercise?
The best exercise is the one that you will do. Walking is considered
one of the best choices because it's easy, safe and cheap. Brisk
walking can burn as many calories as running, but is less likely than
running or jogging to cause injuries. And it doesn't require any
training or special equipment, except for good shoes.

Walking is an aerobic and weight-bearing exercise, so it is good for
your heart and helps prevent osteoporosis.


Love, Samuel

Please include a link back to The Antesian Road To Enlightenment
in forwarded material, Thank you.



We may not be able to do all of it, but we can do some.

It is important to keep our mind and body, exercised as well as our spiritual.

Doing the things mentioned above can help us stay centered and balanced.

Self-Care is important. What good is getting sober, if we fall apart and don't learn to become whole.

MajestyJo 08-21-2014 09:50 PM

Friends Forever Near

As we walk along our path of life,
We meet people every day.
Most are simply met by chance,
But some are sent our way.
These become the special friends,
Whose bond we can't explain...
The ones who understand us,
And share our joy and pain.

Their love contains no boundaries,
So even when apart,
Their presence still embraces us,
With a warmth felt in the heart.

This love becomes a passageway
Where even the miles disappear,
And the special friends life sends our way,
Remain forever near.

- unknown

MajestyJo 09-06-2014 02:43 PM

Yesterday I met a stranger... Today this stranger is my friend.
Had I not taken the time to say hello, or return a smile, or shake
a hand, or listen, I would not have known this person.

Yesterday would have turned into today and our chance meeting
would be gone.

Yesterday I hugged someone very dear to me. Today they are
gone... and tomorrow will not bring them back.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all knew tomorrow would be here? But
this is not to be, so take the time TODAY to give a hug, a smile,
an "I love you."

JUST FOR TODAY... smile at a stranger, listen to someone's heart, drop a coin where a child can find it ...learn something new, then teach it to someone ...tell someone you're thinking of them, hug a loved one, don't hold a grudge!

Look a child in the eye and tell them how great they are don't
kill that spider in your house, he's just lost so show him the way

Look beyond the face of a person into their heart make a
promise, and keep it.

Call someone, for no other reason than to just say "hi" kindness to an animal, stand up for what you believe in,
smell the rain, feel the breeze, listen to the wind use all your
senses to their fullest cherish all your TODAYS.

- - unknown

MajestyJo 09-17-2014 03:54 AM

Tonight while starting my meditation, I found myself reaching for a little figurine I have on my desk, a little penguin, with a red hat with a yellow tassel and a blue scarf.

The penguin as a totem means:


Look at what colour you are wearing. Look at what colour your eyes are drawn to, perhaps your body is in need of it.

Listen to your body, what is it telling you? What is around you? Are there messages from the Creator put in your path. Did God put an ant in your path telling you to be patient?

MajestyJo 09-21-2014 09:10 PM

From time to time, I will share my own personal awareness on a topic and the gift that has been given to me as a result of working my program. It is just my experience, strength and hope, and isn't meant to represent any one fellowship. It is my truth, not someone else's or my interruption of what I heard or read.

From Alkie Speaks:

I realized I had a body which can't tolerate alcohol, which is OK. except that I had a mind that can't leave it alone. I'd always said that I could take it or leave it alone - I couldn't do either.

- Doug D.

Because I had a high tolerance for alcohol, I thought I wasn't an alcoholic. I labelled my dad and my ex-husband as alcohlics because they passed out, fell down, staggered, were violent, couldn't walk or drive a straight line. I once said to my dad, "You drove in that condition?" He had just come from his girlfriend's. He looked at me and said, "Well I certainly couldn't walk and proceeded to fall flat on his face and I had to help him to bed.

The reality was that I could match them drink for drink, drive them home, function and resented them for drinking all the booze, before they passed out. I wanted to party and there wasn't much for me. That is when I started hiding my booze. I couldn't have consumed all that liquor and been sober although I never saw myself as drunk. There was only a couple of times that I recall taking the stairs on my hands and knees.

When I saw myself in my dream, because I was wearing red high-heeled shoes and walking a straight line, I was sober. Then I saw myself in living colour and saw the person I changed into when I did drink. It wasn't what or how much I drank. It was what it did to me when I did drink it.

MajestyJo 09-21-2014 09:22 PM

Some people are not capable of listening and there are others who do not care. I was chairing a meeting at my home group one night. A member shared, then proceeded to clean out his wallet, making a lot of noise and fidgeting in his seat. When the person sharing paused, I said, "Excuse me," I said, to the person making the noise, "When you shared, the rest of us did you the courtesy of being quiet and listening, I think it is only right that you do the same thing." I apologized to the person sharing for interrupting, although I had waited until I thought they were almost finished before doing so. This was done at the beginning of the meeting and I saw people giving the guy looks, and I didn't want people getting up and leaving. Our primary purpose is to carry the message of recovery.

The next time I saw him, he was using the church phone, which we were not permitted to do, and I had to call him on that. He told me to make like a duck and flock off. The next time I saw him was very embarrassing. I was talking to a man who I had never seen before. I had just shared my story. He came up to me, put his arm around me and called my Jo Hun, can you loan me a quarter? If look could kill, he would have been dead. I never saw the man again. ;)

We are all human. Thank God for this program.

MajestyJo 09-23-2014 07:19 PM


1. Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount when you donate it to church, but such a small amount when you go shopping?

2. Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when you're at church, and how short they seem when you're watching a good movie?

3. Isn't it strange that you can't find a word to say when you're praying, but you have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend?

4. Isn't it strange how difficult and boring it is to read one chapter of the Bible, but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel or ZANE GREY book

5. Isn't it strange how everyone wants front-row-tickets to concerts or games, but they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row in Church?

6. Isn't it strange how we need to know about an event for Church 2-3 weeks before the day so we can include it in our agenda, but we can adjust it for other events at the last minute?

7. Isn't it strange how difficult it is to learn a fact about God to share it with others, but how easy it is to learn, understand, extend and repeat gossip?

8. Isn't it strange how we believe everything that magazines and newspapers say, but we question the words in the Bible?

9. Isn't it strange how everyone wants a place in heaven, but they don't want to believe, do, or say anything to get there?

10. Isn't it strange how we send jokes in e-mails and they are forwarded right away, but when we are going to send messages about God, we think about it twice before we share it with others?


This email was cleaned by emailStripper, available for free from

MajestyJo 10-05-2014 07:46 PM

A Recipe From Heaven

Mix sugar 'n spice 'n everything nice
With a helping of kindness, sifted twice.

Combine with caring and generous loving
tenderly shape, and warm in the oven

Sprinkle on hugs with wide-open arms,
trim with a smile, for even more charm.

Glaze with joy, and when it's all through,
It'll be one sweet cookie . . .


Life is sweeter because of you!

MajestyJo 11-12-2014 09:40 PM


How aware are you? Here is another tip on "getting control" from Higher Awareness.

The shocking fact is that most of us are unconscious of 80% of what we do, think and say. WE'RE NOT AWARE of our defenses, our emotional reactions, our beliefs and deep-seated habits. Of our fears, negative self-talk and judgments.

Why is this so important? Because THESE UNCONSCIOUS FORCES ARE RUNNING OUR LIVES! When we're not aware, we stay stuck in patterns that limit our ability to enjoy life. In fact, we stay stuck in patterns that cause us pain. Without awareness, we don't know how to think, create, love and reap the bounty of our world.

If you want to gain more control in your life, you will need to cultivate greater awareness. It's the MOST POWERFUL RESOURCE we have to effect change.

To be aware, we must STOP AND PAY ATTENTION. We must pull back our perspective to impartially observe what we are doing, feeling and thinking and what is going on around us. This detachment allows us to recognize our automatic patterns and reactions. And new insights let us break free of our patterns and defences. This allows us to choose something different for ourselves, if we want.

If we are unconscious, our future is created from our past, through patterns in our subconscious. If we are aware and conscious, our future is created anew in each moment.

Do you want to go through life on auto-pilot, letting old tapes dictate how you act? Or do you want to truly live life by clearly seeing the choices before you, and claiming your power to choose what you most want? It's up to you.

"To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe." -- Marilyn vos Savant


As I have grown in recovery I have found that there have been stages where I seemed to get a shot of awareness, and I have to look at things, and do something about them. If I don't then I become uncomfortable in my own skin, and I can end up substituting other "things" and start looking for something or someone outside of myself to make me feel better.

For me, my conscious contact with my Higher Power is a connection I can not afford to lose or even slacken even a little bit. My disease is cunning, baffling and powerful and it just seems to be waiting for that moment that it can sneak back into my life. I don't have to physically pick up to have a relapse.
As we detox, go to meetings, listen to others, work the steps, and we heal and get to know ourselves and our Higher Power and His will for us, our life unfolds and we grow into the person He would have us be, one day at a time.

MajestyJo 11-12-2014 09:40 PM


How aware are you? Here is another tip on "getting control" from Higher Awareness.

The shocking fact is that most of us are unconscious of 80% of what we do, think and say. WE'RE NOT AWARE of our defenses, our emotional reactions, our beliefs and deep-seated habits. Of our fears, negative self-talk and judgments.

Why is this so important? Because THESE UNCONSCIOUS FORCES ARE RUNNING OUR LIVES! When we're not aware, we stay stuck in patterns that limit our ability to enjoy life. In fact, we stay stuck in patterns that cause us pain. Without awareness, we don't know how to think, create, love and reap the bounty of our world.

If you want to gain more control in your life, you will need to cultivate greater awareness. It's the MOST POWERFUL RESOURCE we have to effect change.

To be aware, we must STOP AND PAY ATTENTION. We must pull back our perspective to impartially observe what we are doing, feeling and thinking and what is going on around us. This detachment allows us to recognize our automatic patterns and reactions. And new insights let us break free of our patterns and defences. This allows us to choose something different for ourselves, if we want.

If we are unconscious, our future is created from our past, through patterns in our subconscious. If we are aware and conscious, our future is created anew in each moment.

Do you want to go through life on auto-pilot, letting old tapes dictate how you act? Or do you want to truly live life by clearly seeing the choices before you, and claiming your power to choose what you most want? It's up to you.

"To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe." -- Marilyn vos Savant


As I have grown in recovery I have found that there have been stages where I seemed to get a shot of awareness, and I have to look at things, and do something about them. If I don't then I become uncomfortable in my own skin, and I can end up substituting other "things" and start looking for something or someone outside of myself to make me feel better.

For me, my conscious contact with my Higher Power is a connection I can not afford to lose or even slacken even a little bit. My disease is cunning, baffling and powerful and it just seems to be waiting for that moment that it can sneak back into my life. I don't have to physically pick up to have a relapse.
As we detox, go to meetings, listen to others, work the steps, and we heal and get to know ourselves and our Higher Power and His will for us, our life unfolds and we grow into the person He would have us be, one day at a time.

MajestyJo 12-14-2014 11:44 PM


A Life of My Own

When we do for other people what they should do for themselves, we both stay stuck.

Perhaps it's human nature to grow and change only when we have to. Unrelenting pain can serve as a motivator. Sometimes ultimatums are effective too. But making excuses for others or taking over their responsibilities, even when it's for their benefit, never inspires change. Most of us came into the program because we wanted someone else to change! Now we're learning that the only change we can be certain of is one we make in ourselves.

One of the first changes we can make is to let go of others: their opinions, their behavior, their responsibilities. Our need for them to fulfill our expectations is related to our insecurity, not theirs. Every time we preach or take on others' duties, we must recognize that we are preventing much-needed growth, ours and theirs.

Our intentions might always have been good. But the time has come to let others live their own lives. It's quite enough to take care of ourselves.

I will not do someone else's task today. Growth comes from each of us being responsible for ourselves.
When we take care of others before meeting our own needs, we get sick. I was told that I need to top up myself and only give away the overflow.

Many times over the years I found myself using 'recovery and service' to not look at me and deal with my own issues. It was so much easier to help you with your stuff, than look at my own.

MajestyJo 12-23-2014 12:42 AM

12 Ways To Be Happy:

1. Make up your mind to be happy.
Learn to find pleasure in simple things.

2. Make the best of your circumstances.
No one has everything, and everyone has something
of sorrow intermingled with gladness of life. The trick is
to make the laughter outweigh the tears.

3. Don't take yourself too seriously.
Don't think that somehow you should be protected
from misfortune that befalls other people.

4. You can't please everybody. Don't let criticism worry you.

5. Don't let your neighbor set your standards. Be yourself.

6. Do the things you enjoy doing but stay out of debt.

7. Never borrow trouble. Imaginary things are harder
to bear than real ones.

8. Since hate poisons the soul, do not cherish jealousy,
Avoid people who make you unhappy.

9. Have many interests. If you can't travel, read about new places.

10. Don't hold post-mortems. Don't spend your time brooding
over sorrows or mistakes. Don't be one who never gets over things.

11. Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself.

12. Keep busy at something. A busy person never has time
to be unhappy.


MajestyJo 01-06-2015 11:52 PM

Count Your Blessings

When you are in trouble, do you find
that you feel you are all alone
When your heart grows heavy with burdens
and you feel you can't go on

When you think you are the only one
that has this pain
Count your blessings and look around you
and don't you dare complain

I complained about having no new shoes
to put on my feet
I grumbled that my wages were just not enough
until I looked around and saw a blind man holding a cup

Reach out to the man who needs some help along the way
Think little more of others
and not so much of yourself
If you have two coats and a man has none
God will surely bless you
for giving him one

So count your blessings one by one
and Thank God for most precious gift of all
His Precious Son
He's there to comfort us in trouble and sorrow
if we stop and Thank Him for all He has done.

Inspirational poetry from
Gayle's Garden
짤 2005 used with permission
Gayle Alatia

MajestyJo 02-17-2015 11:12 PM





MajestyJo 03-13-2015 08:35 AM


I'm so glad
I have you
to share with
to laugh with,
to dream with...
I'm so glad
you're the special
kind of person
that you are...
tender, caring
and understanding.
I'm so glad-
You came into my life!

MajestyJo 03-31-2015 09:20 PM

The following is a list of 110 self-nurturing ideas that have to do with "Esteem Needs." Do at least one of these activities every day.

Psysiological Needs:

Eat breakfast
Take a nap
Break a bad habit, if just for today
Get at least 7 hours sleep
Drink 8 glasses of water today
Eat a healthy snack

Safety Needs:

Repair something in your home
Learn how to protect your health
Wear a seat belt

Belonging and Love Needs:

Call your mother or father
Search out a long-lost friend
Open up to the person closest to you
Pay a compliment
Turn off the TV and talk
Get to know the neighbor's dog or cat
Listen to what you hear
Tell someone you love him or her
Hold a hand
Hug someone
Contact someone you've been thinking about
Admire a child
Get to know the neighbors
Kiss a friend
Tell someone how much you appreciate him or her

Esteem Needs:

Blow up a balloon and turn it loose
Make your own candles
Walk instead of ride
Give yourself a compliment
Read a poem aloud
Look at the stars
Use a new word
Frame a picture
Forget an old grudge
Take yourself to lunch
Go to the library
Try a new food
Listen to the rain on the roof
Feed the ducks
Jump in a pile of leaves
Appreciate trees
Sign up for a class
Study a dew-laden cobweb
Learn something new
Sing in the shower
List ten things you do well
Walk in the rain
Waste a little time
Curl up before an open fire
Buy a ticket to a special event
Return something you've borrowed
Organize some small corner of your life
Pop popcorn
Draw a picture, even if you can't draw
Keep a secret
Enjoy silence
Walk to the nearest park
Go wading
Light a candle and read by candlelight
Pick up some travel brochures and dream
Smell a flower
Clean out your wallet
Take an early morning walk
Look at old photos
Run down a hill
Write a poem
Start a new project
Walk barefoot
Tell a joke
Take a different road to get home
Build a sandcastle
Ask someone for help
Let someone do you a favor
Reread a favorite book
Listen to the dawn
Imagine being your favorite tree
Watch the sun set
Hide a love note where a loved one will find it
Make a surprise gift
Go to a fair
Lie on the grass
Go for a swim
Rearrange a room
Let someone love you
Drop a quarter where someone will find it
Bake bread

Self-Actualization Needs:

Visit a lonely person or a shut-in
Help a stranger
Be thankful
Take a risk
Do something you've always wanted to do
Say "yes"
Say "no"
Throw away something you don't like
Try to feel another person's hurt (or joy)
Practice courage in one small way
Warm a heart
Laugh at yourself
Send a card to someone for no reason
Encourage a young person
Follow an impulse
Put yourself out for someone
Acknowledge when you are wrong
Volunteer some time to a good cause
Give yourself a present
Allow yourself to make a mistake
Allow yourself to make another mistake
Do something hard to do
Don't do something -- sit there
Take time to talk to neighborhood children.:UgoGirl:

Source unknown to me

I think this was on the old site, not sure if it made it to this one.


MajestyJo 04-24-2015 09:59 PM

I developed this new recipe
That I thought I'd share with you -
It's just a little something
I like to call "Sunshine Stew!"

First I'll mix in flowers,
And a little pinch of spice
Then I'll add a dash of sunshine,
Now doesn't that sound nice?!

But that's not all that this calls for,
For there's still much more to add,
Like the many fond memories
Of all the good times we've had!

A big bushel of hugs
And a sweet little kiss,
A cup of relaxation
And a tabespoonful of bliss!

Now the most important ingredient
I must add to this brew
Is nothing less significant
Than the love I have for you!

...And this is how you make
the sweetest "Sunshine Stew!"

MajestyJo 04-26-2015 09:50 PM


Quote of the Week

"We didn't get here because we sang too loud in church."

It's amazing how self-righteous we alcoholics can sometimes be. Before recovery many of us acted in destructive, demoralizing and often illegal ways, many times hurting ourselves and others in the process. Rather than being remorseful when confronted with our behaviors, we usually became resentful and acted even more inappropriately. In the end many of us were alone, and the only people who were glad to see us were the people who welcomed us into recovery.

At first it's hard to confront the damage we've done, but after a while many of us do recover the positions and self-respect we had lost. What also returns though is our ego, and sometimes a new sense of entitlement can make us hard to be around again. I have sat and seethed in meetings while people shared how they thought things should be run, all the while harboring my own self-righteous views.

My favorite saying of Bill W's is, "Honesty got me sober and tolerance keeps me that way". When I catch myself feeling mightier than thou, I ask God to remind me of this and to remind me of where I came from. When I do, I'm humbled by the miracle that has taken place in my life, and once again I become right-sized.

I am instantly reminded that we didn't get here because we sang too loud in church.

Wisdom of the Rooms
Found on another site of Tammy's

MajestyJo 04-26-2015 09:50 PM


A message every adult should read because children
are watching you and doing as you do, not as you say.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you hang my
first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately
wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a
stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind
to animals.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make my

favorite cake for me, and I learned that the little
things can be the special things in life.

When you thought I wasn't looking I heard you say a
prayer, and I knew that there is a God I could always
talk to, and I learned to trust in Him.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make a
meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I
learned that we all have to help take care of each other.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you take care
of our house and everyone in it, and I learned we have
to take care of what we are given.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw how you
handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't
feel good, and I learned that I would have to be
responsible when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw tears come
from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things
hurt, but it's all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw that you
cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn't looking I learned most of
life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and
productive person when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking I looked at you and
wanted to say,'Thanks for all the things I saw when
you thought I wasn't looking.'


Each of us (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, teacher, friend)
influences the life of a child.

MajestyJo 04-26-2015 09:51 PM

When I saw this title, it have me thought in another direction.

We so often forget that our God can see our actions, knows our thoughts, our intent and motives.

Denial can give us selective hearing and sight, can block us from the messages of God. We think because no one knows, we can do what we want to do, act the way we want to, and be less than our God would have us be. I think that is why there are Steps 6 and 7.

Our self-righteousness can fill us up with self-importance, and we have no room left for God. We are so full of the almight "Self" that we don't have time for anyone else, and often looking down on them to make ourselves look good.

I was reminded today, a woman I have known for years was in the mall. I said hello to her even though I was with my son, although he wouldn't have paid her any attention, he is not surprised when people come up to me or I go up to someone else. For that reason, he generally walk in front of me or behind me and as he reminded me today, "Mother you are old."

Prior to recovery, I wouldn't have acknowledge the woman. I would have been embarrassed and would have what people would think if they saw me talking to her. She is disabled and has a slight mental challenge. It is such a joy to see her face light up when she sees me. Little does she know, that she warms my heart.

I don't want to ever forget where I came from. I don't ever want to go back there and be that person who is so self-righteous. I think the worst is putting someone else down to make me feel better and worst of all is condescention. I have been on the receiving end far too often, and would never want to walk in the same shoes and lower myself to that level.

Self-righteousness blocks us from the sunshine of the spirit. I am so glad that my God is a forgiving God.

MajestyJo 05-02-2015 07:39 PM


I checked you in again last night, my child,

Because it hurt me so bad to see you out there running wild.

All tired and sucked up you appeared to me

But put a mirror in front of you, and you can't even see;

That you are a number among the walking dead,

Sores all over your body, confusion in your head.

Jail is not the place you want to be

But it's my hotel, where I can work on thee you see.

You weren't just arrested, you were rescued from yourself.

I had to bring you back here, to put your habit on the shelf.

Give you some rest, some food, and some talk

Encourage you and love you, before I let you walk.

Don't be like a mule that's led around by a bit,

Just listen to your warnings, and I can help you quit.

This could be the last time you have to come into this place,

Just listen to me the Creator Of All with tears upon my face...

Original Source Unknown - posted on FB's Addict's Mom

MajestyJo 05-11-2015 01:20 PM

Subject: Help wanted


JOB DESCRIPTION: Long term team players needed for challenging permanent work in an often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent
communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to
primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in faraway cities. Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required.

RESPONSIBILITIES: For the rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated at least temporarily, until someone needs $5 to go skating. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects. Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks. Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next. Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys and battery operated devices.
Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product. Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility.

POSSIBILITY FOR ADVANCEMENT AND PROMOTION: Virtually none. Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in
your charge can ultimately surpass you.

unfortunately. On-the-job training
offered on a continually exhausting basis.

AGES AND COMPENSATION: You pay THEM, offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon
payment is due when they turn 18 because of the
assumption that college will help them become financially independent.

When you die, you give them whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.

BENEFITS: While no health or dental insurance, pension, tuition reimbursement, paid holidays, job supplies or stock options are offered, there are limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs for
life if you play your cards right.


MajestyJo 05-24-2015 05:21 PM


I would never trade my amazing friends, my wonderful life, my loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly. As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend. I don't chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I didn't need, but looks so avante garde on my patio.. I am entitled to a treat, to be messy, to be extravagant.

I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging..

Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love .... I will.

I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set.

They, too, will get old.
I know I am sometimes forgetful.
But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important things.

Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.

I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face.

So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their
hair could turn silver.

As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore.

I've even earned the right to be wrong.

So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever,
but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day(if I feel like it).



MajestyJo 06-17-2015 06:29 PM

I'm Only a Cat
I'm only a cat,
and I stay in my place...
Up there on your chair,
on your bed or your face!

I'm only a cat,
and I don't finick much...
I'm happy with cream
and anchovies and such!

I'm only a cat,
and we'll get along fine...
As long as you know
I'm not yours... you're all mine!

Author Unknown

This was voted the best e-mail for 2011.

MajestyJo 12-06-2015 10:18 AM


In order to take control of our lives and accomplish something of lasting value, sooner or later we need to learn to Believe. We don't need to shift our responsibilities on to the shoulders of some deified Spiritual Superman, or sit around and wait for Fate to come knocking at the door. We simply need to believe in the power that's within us, and use it. When we do that, and stop imitating others and competing against them, things begin to work for us.

- The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff

If we don't change our old ways, just put the plug in the jug, we are a dry drunk. Doing what we always did, thinking the way we always thought, acting out in our disease until such a time as we make the decision to change.

My Daily Prayer

God, I turn my will and my life over to You this day for Your keeping. Your will, Lord, not mine. I ask for Your guidance and direction. I will walk humbly with You and Your fellow men. You are giving me a grateful heart for my many blessings. You are removing the defects of character that stand in my way. You are giving me freedom from self-will.

Let love, compassion, and understanding be in every thought, word, and deed this day. I truly desire Your abundance of truth, love, harmony and peace. As I go out today to do Your bidding, let me help anyone I can who is less fortunate than I.


Post in 2011 on my site The Five As

MajestyJo 12-08-2015 12:02 AM

In the race to be better or best, we sometimes forget to Be still, be quiet and be amazed by the beauty of nature.

When you feel stressed out, just sit back, turn on your computer and watch this beautiful 3 minute movie. The music, the photographs, the words, will take you to another world and we promise that you'll feel the tension slip away.


MajestyJo 12-17-2015 04:48 PM

My sponsor said, "Sobriety is soundness of mind." When I have that soundness of mind, I find Serenity. How I get there is another story.

Serenity for me is being at peace with myself. It is me being right with God and I acquaint it with not what is going on around me, but within me and how I handle life on life's terms.

The acceptance of myself and where I am at on my journey, knowing that all things are subject to change, and that although I may not like them, when I find the acceptance; I find the serenity is there. In order to accept the situation, I find I always have to surrender it to God and often find myself asking for the willingness to have the willingness to accept, to surrender, to take the steps to change.

Serenity was “being at acceptance and surrendering control.”

MajestyJo 12-19-2015 06:59 PM


1. Try everything twice. On Madams tombstone (of Whelan's and Madam) she said she wanted this epitaph: Tried everything twice...loved it both times!

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. (keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches)

3. Keep learning: Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's!

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with HIM/HER.

6. The tears happen: Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. LIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love: Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity. I love you, my special friend.

11. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second time.

Source unknown, received with thanks from pink roses

MajestyJo 12-20-2015 02:48 PM

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help."

There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?"

The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way."

I wrote: "Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see it."

Both signs told people that the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people that they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?

Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have.. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.

When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile. Face your past without regret.

Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear.

The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling.

And even more beautiful, is knowing that you are the reason behind it!!!

If you appreciate this message, please share. You may touch someone's heart today and forever.

Enjoy your week with a heart of gratitude...

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