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MajestyJo 12-11-2016 09:59 AM

Topic of the Week, words beginning with the letter "U"
U is for Understanding. Through understanding of the program, we learn to understand who our God is to us and through that understanding, we learn to truly understand and know ourselves as we work the Steps.

MajestyJo 12-12-2016 01:48 AM

U is for Unity. Without you, there is no me. We can do what I can't do alone.

dwmoeller 12-12-2016 09:32 AM

U is for Use

Use the tools of recovery that you have learned to stay clean and sober. Use your phone to call someone if you need help to get through a rough spot.

MajestyJo 12-14-2016 03:41 PM

U is for Utilize. Don't criticize, utilize the program. Find what works for you. If you tried my program, you just might get drunk, but hopefully I can say something that will be of benefit to you.

dwmoeller 12-15-2016 09:05 AM

U is for Use:

Use the 24 hour plan - One Day at a Time.
Use the Serenity Prayer.
Use prayer and meditation.
Use your program of recovery.
Use your sponsor.
Use your AA buddies and get rid of your old drinking buddies.

MajestyJo 12-17-2016 10:05 AM

U is for Useless. Trying this program by yourself is useless. This is a we program. We can do what I can't do alone. Isolation is part of our disease. It not only blocks the negative from our lives, it stops the positive as well. As my mom said to me many years ago, "Is your faith so weak, that it hits the ceiling and bounces back."

MajestyJo 12-18-2016 09:10 PM

U is for United. United we stand against this disease of addiction. We can do what I can't do alone. Without you, there is no me. Others do not understand, but you know where I am coming from. As I like to say, "Been there done it, wore the t-shirt."

dwmoeller 12-20-2016 09:54 AM

U is for Use

Use the telephone. Call an AA friend who understands what you are going through and will help you in your time of need. Maybe someday someone will call you and you can help them just like you were.

MajestyJo 09-29-2017 11:25 PM

U is for Understand. I understand we went through all this before, but I do understand that this is a one day at a time program. When I get to Step 12, I was told to start again at Step One, so I am starting the ABCs again. They were a blessing the first time around and I am sure they will be the second and third time around.

MajestyJo 09-29-2017 11:29 PM

U is for Unity of Spirit. I was at my group in spirit tonight, even if I bodily didn't make it there. I feel bad, because it is important for me to be there. I am sure someone stepped up and took my place.

MajestyJo 10-01-2017 12:20 AM

U is for Unknown. Many people fear the unknown. We need to learn to walk in faith. If our God brought us to it, He/She will surely see us through it.

DogLoverDee 10-06-2017 08:26 AM

U is for unbelievable
In regards to recovery in a program

MajestyJo 10-07-2017 12:36 AM

U is for Unanimous. For those who have come to the fellowships and stayed clean and sober, I think that we would find that we would get an unanimous vote of gratitude for the 12 Step Programs. Some say the program didn't work for them. I say, "Did you work for the program." We have to want recovery, we can't stay clean if we are unwilling to be clean in the first place.

MajestyJo 10-07-2017 11:50 PM

U is for Undo. I wish there was an undo button that I could push in life to correct all the wrong decisions I made in life. Life doesn't work that way. We lots of practice and hopefully learning from our mistakes, we don't make as many wrong decisions that need to be undone. I am so grateful that I have a loving, caring, and forgiving God in my life.

MajestyJo 10-08-2017 10:43 PM

U is for Use. Stop using drugs and alcohol. There are natural highs in recovery. I used people, places and things to take me out of reality. In today, my Higher Power utilizes people, places, and things to show me a new way to live.

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