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bluidkiti 02-01-2017 06:46 AM

Thought For Today - February
The Last Minute

Do you leave things until the last minute? If you do, it can put you under pressure & cause stress for others. You’re also less likely to do your best & give things the time they deserve.

But sometimes leaving things till the last minute is the best thing to do. Having less time means you're less likely to get distracted & more likely to get things done faster. And maybe you enjoy the last-minute pressure & work better under pressure.

bluidkiti 02-02-2017 07:28 AM

Unpack Your Mind

There's so much baggage in our minds, it takes up space and weighs us down. Why not, unpack your mind? Unload all your stress, anxieties and tension, and let go of all the unnecessary stuff.

Unpack, unload and let your mind breathe. Breathe and you'll lighten your mind and make space for clear thinking.

bluidkiti 02-03-2017 06:24 AM

Stay in Touch

Even though many of us have challenging and complicated relationships with our family, most of us have the intention to stay in touch. But good intentions often get derailed as we get caught in the rhythms and routines of life.

This year, you may want to try a little harder to stay in touch, not because you have to, but because you want to. Call or visit, weekly or monthly, and maintain meaningful connections and sustain supportive relationships.

bluidkiti 02-04-2017 06:04 AM

February 4

Talk Too Much?

We all know how good it is to talk, but are you guilty of talking too much? Talk too much and we exhaust ourselves and others. And when we talk too much we miss the opportunity to build a rapport.

So, it’s probably a good idea to check yourself as you talk: Have I been talking for too long? Am I being long winded? Have I given the other person a chance to respond?

To be a better conversationalist: Leave space for the other person to talk. Let them speak and then let them speak a bit more.

bluidkiti 02-04-2017 06:05 AM

February 5

Something New for the Commute

Try something new on the bus, train or tube.

Sit comfortably or stand tall. Feel your feet on the ground and observe your breath. Do this for a bit and you'll start to feel more present and peaceful. Then through your presence, let the feeling of peace reach out to all the other passengers.

bluidkiti 02-06-2017 06:21 AM

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

We continue to tell ourselves a story about what's happened, what’s happening, what's going to happen....

These stories color how we feel and experience life. So it makes sense to listen to the stories we tell ourselves. If they're not inspiring or honest, edit the narrative to make it empowering and meaningful.

bluidkiti 02-07-2017 06:07 AM

Keep Your Goals to Yourself?

Do you keep your goals to yourself? Or do you like to share your goals with others? Keep things to yourself and you're likely to talk less about it, which means you put more work into reaching your goals. Share your goals with others and it strengthens your commitment, creates accountability and support, and this helps you to reach your goals.

Share your goals with others or keep them to yourself?

bluidkiti 02-08-2017 05:33 AM

Eating in Silence

Eating together is a perfect time to converse and catch up. But eating alone is a perfect time to cultivate and experience silence. Silence doesn't mean no noise, it means no conversations, no distractions (no TV, computer, phone....). Bring your attention and energy to a point of stillness and you create silence.

Eat in silence and you'll find yourself at ease and peace. You'll also enjoy the food and eat less because you'll be more aware when you are full. So, how about eating in silence, not every meal, but maybe a meal a day (or a week).

bluidkiti 02-09-2017 05:58 AM

Living Open Heartedly

Do you live life open heartedly or mostly closed? Most of us have had experiences that led us to close our hearts. But maybe it's time to get gutsy and open our heart.

If we were to live open heartedly, maybe we'll get smarter at:
- taking responsibility for our own feelings
- letting go of what hurts and holding on to what heals
- setting healthier boundaries to guard our heart
- being strong-hearted, but not hard-hearted

bluidkiti 02-10-2017 06:54 AM

What Will You Pick Up?

Do you have the art of picking things up without being noticed? Do you notice and pick up:
- opportunities that others don't see or are too busy to notice
- talents, skills and qualities in people around you
- new phrases or ways of seeing, when you've been abroad

What will you pick up to enrich your life?

bluidkiti 02-10-2017 06:54 AM

February 11

Difficult or Easy First?

Do you prefer to start the day with your trickiest task or the easiest one? Difficult tasks require willpower, focus and energy. Easy tasks require less. Do the easy task first to get a momentum going. Save the difficult tasks for when you are more focused and energetic.

But sometimes it's best to tackle the difficult task first, so that you don't keep thinking about it. Once you’ve tackled it, the rest seem easier.

Easy or difficult tasks first? What works for you?

bluidkiti 02-10-2017 06:54 AM

February 12

Buy Yourself Flowers

Who doesn't love a fresh bouquet of flowers? Why wait for someone else to bring you flowers! This Valentine's Day, do something nice for you - buy yourself a bouquet of flowers. Sunflowers, tulips, lilies, orchids... whatever you like.

Buy some flowers and treat yourself. Brighten up your space and boost your mood.

bluidkiti 02-13-2017 04:10 AM

Being in Control

Don’t you just love being in control? But don't you find that the more you try to control everything, the more stressed and out of control you feel?

How about, trying to curb the urge to control? Do as much as you can to make things happen. But know when to loosen up, let go a little and relax into the flow of life.

bluidkiti 02-14-2017 05:45 AM

Time with You

You spend time with people you love, right? Well, who do you love the most? The right answer is, you. So, do you spend quality time with yourself?

Well, how about going on a ‘Me Date’. You can go to a movie, eat at your favorite restaurant, or go for a long walk. Go on a ‘Me Date’ and spend time with yourself, and the time you spend with others will be richer.

bluidkiti 02-15-2017 06:55 AM

Efficient or Effective?

Are you efficient or effective? Do you think one is more important than the other?

Being efficient is doing things right and being effective is doing the right things. Often when we're being efficient, we're doing things better and faster, and as a result, we may be active but not necessarily effective.

To be efficient or effective, or effectively efficient?

bluidkiti 02-16-2017 05:33 AM

The Differences Between Us

Each one of us is different, with different perspectives and different truths. Yet we're all interconnected and part of one world, one family. And even though there are differences between us, we can appreciate the differences.

bluidkiti 02-17-2017 06:42 AM

Diamonds for Breakfast

You might have seen this on t-shirts or stationery, "Eat Diamonds for Breakfast and Shine all day".

Do you eat diamonds for breakfast? Feed your body a healthy breakfast but also feed your mind empowering and valuable thoughts in the morning, and you’ll set a sparkling tone for the day.

bluidkiti 02-17-2017 06:43 AM

February 18

The Eye of the Storm

When everything around us is changing, when there’s a storm of emotions and events, when things around you are out of control - navigate towards your inner calm, the eye of the storm.

Go within, into the eye of the storm. Here you can find stillness, strength & stability. Then you can continue on your journey with confidence & clarity.

bluidkiti 02-17-2017 06:43 AM

February 19

Give a Hug

Giving a hug is a simple act that can be a way to say 'hello'. It can comfort someone & make them feel good - because a hug is a transfer of positive energy, acceptance & warmth. Actually research shows that when we give hugs, it can be good for our hearts & well-being. So, give a hug when appropriate.

Give a hug, physically or mentally, whether our arms surround someone or our minds embrace someone, it's the same.

bluidkiti 02-20-2017 05:50 AM

Put The Rubbish Out!

Just as we put the rubbish out for collection, in the same way, at the same time, we can also put out the rubbish from our minds and hearts. Throw out the wasteful thoughts and get rid of all the toxic emotions that have piled up. And, remember once you've put the rubbish out, don't pick it back up again.

Put the rubbish out, keep your mind and heart clean, and you'll have space for clear thinking and happy emotions.

bluidkiti 02-21-2017 06:11 AM

Just a Sigh

Let out a sigh and the body decompresses, releasing whatever we are holding onto. But is a sigh, just a sigh?

Well, researchers say that a sigh can be seen as an expression of overwhelm, boredom, disappointment, frustration, exhaustion.... So, when we sigh, we may be feeling one thing but we may be communicating something else. If you want to avoid being misinterpreted, maybe be more mindful of where you sigh. (I'm not saying you should suppress a sigh because sighing creates a sense of relief.)

bluidkiti 02-22-2017 05:45 AM

The Tests of Life

Every now and then, challenging situations come along. These challenges come to test our competence, resilience and confidence. Sometimes these tests of life are fun, almost like a trivia quiz, and sometimes they're scary, like a final exam. But rarely do these tests come announced. So maybe the best way to prepare for the tests of life is to keep expanding our competence, resilience and confidence.

When the tests of life come, just do your best and remember:
- You never fail because you always gain lessons and experience.
- Tests in life don't come to shake you but to make you.

bluidkiti 02-23-2017 07:14 AM

The Creative Stimulus

To get creative, most of us need some sort of stimulus. Stimulus sparks ideas and solutions. So, get out and about, explore different spaces and places, read or listen to something you never would. Be observant and open, and let creativity flow.

What stimulus stimulates your creativity?

bluidkiti 02-24-2017 06:16 AM

From a Place of Peace

When someone's talking to you, can you hear what the other person is saying over the noise in your head? Listen from a place of noise and it can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes.

Next time someone's talking to you, reset your listening position to a place of peace. Do this as you're listening – go behind the noise in your head and into your inner peace. Then from this place of peace, listen.

Listen from a place of peace, and see the difference it makes to the conversation, the results and your own experience as a listener.

bluidkiti 02-24-2017 06:17 AM

February 25

Feeling Judged?

Feeling judged by others? We can’t avoid being judged, but we can avoid letting others' judgments hurt us and affect us negatively.

Next time you feel you're being judged, ask yourself: Are they really judging me? Is it all in my head? Is there something I can do to improve without feeling pressured to change who I am and what I do?

Put things in perspective. Remember, no one can make you feel anything unless you let them. Let go of feeling judged and choose how you want to feel.

bluidkiti 02-24-2017 06:17 AM

February 26

Practice Makes Habits

It is practice that creates habits. Good habits are the result of practice but so are bad habits. So, are you practicing to improve? Or are you reinforcing bad habits?

Why not create habits that make you outstandingly astounding. What will you practice, today?

bluidkiti 02-27-2017 07:16 AM

The Worry Solution

Worrying is not only a draining exercise, but it also doesn't contribute to you feeling better or doing things better, it just makes you more worried.

Instead of worrying, try this:
1. Write down all your worries, and next to each worry, brainstorm solutions.
2. If you can do something, focus on the solutions, and you'll feel less worried.
3. If you can't do anything, replace the worry with an alternative positive affirmation or thought, and then remember this whenever the worry comes to your mind

bluidkiti 02-28-2017 06:33 AM

Pay Back or Pay It Forward?

Kindness doesn't always involve money or great effort, but it does involve your presence. Be present to notice when someone is kind to you or when there's an opportunity to be kind.

When someone is kind to you, do you pay back the kindness? Or do you pay it forward to someone else? Or pay it back, as well as pay it forward?

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