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Old 01-23-2014, 07:25 AM   #9
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
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R is for Reality. If we can't face it, we hide under the rug of denial. So often when we can't see it, it is not there. As a friend and I shared when we had 3 years sober, reality sucks! Because now you know and you need to do something about it or you will be filled with the old guilt and remorse, which could take us back out.


~ I'm Really Not An Addict! ~

I'm really not an addict,
There is no need to shout;
But talking with my computer friends,
Has turned my life about.

I still do the grocery shopping,
And make a bed or two;
But instead of staring at the television
I spend some time with you.

I go with friends or family,
To dinner or a show;
I take the time to hear my kids,
Or to watch a flower grow.

But yes, you'll find me off and on,
Sitting in my computer chair;
And talking to my cyber friends,
Who always seem to care.

There are redeeming qualities,
And hear me if you will;
Since playing in this cyber world,
I've improved keyboarding skill.

In fact I feel at peace with life,
Things are going well;
The only thing it hasn't done,
Is teach me how to spell!


Love always,


I share because I care.

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