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Old 04-29-2014, 12:59 PM   #3
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Had a guy in my group used hypnosis to quit smoking. It worked for me. I saw it as a mind altering substance, and tried Zyban, but it was another pill, I took one and waited for the quick fix.

For me recovery was a process. It isn't a quick fix. I need to heal from my past and move on. It was about change. Not putting down the pill, not picking up the drink, not using food, relationships, work, etc., the void had to be filled with spiritual things. I found the pill and pot maintenance didn't work, it ALL blocks me from my God. I had to build a relationship with my God, be open to new ways, and the 12 Steps worked for me. I went to AA, NA, Al-Anon, ACoA, and CA, even though I never used crack/cocaine, they say all mood altering substances, and that worked for me.

I always had my religious beliefs, never lost them. It was the spiritual aspect that I needed to stop and stay stopped. I had to fill the void with spiritual things, not momentary fixes. I had to go to the roots, look at why I drank and used, it didn't really matter, as long as I don't use in today. I block myself from my God when I do. I even got addicted to service, some things are good, but in moderation. That does mean they won't grow into an addiction. My mind says more, I have an obsession of the mind and had to pray to have it removed.

I can't, my God can, just for today, I choose to let Him. Hope this continues to work for you. Not everyone, is willing to work the steps. I found I had to change me in order to recovery. Didn't wanted anything that left the old me in attendance.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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