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Old 10-16-2014, 05:31 PM   #4
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When I came into recovery, I didn't have a clue what letting go meant. Some days, many years of one day at a time, I still don't 'do' Letting Go very well.

I didn't have a concept of letting go. I didn't know how to do it and it took going to many, many meetings and listening to others that it just seemed to happen and the light bulb went on.

I was indeed, totally in the dark about this. It was my job to worry, fret, grit my teeth, etc. I have this problem you know, not knowing the problem was me.
Aug 30, 2007

Having a little chuckle, looking at my post and seeing that I was still clueless! ROFLMAO!

We can say I am letting go, but we think that is not enough. We say, "God, I give this to you," yet we don't believe, that is not enough, and we think there should be more.

Sometimes we go through the motion, but in truth we don't mean it, because we want to keep control. We don't doubt that God is capable, but we want to be in the know and can't bear the thought of not having a say in the outcome or a part in the decision.

Letting go, means letting go. Drop it already. Haven't you carried it long enough! What haven't you done, what haven't you tried? Do you remember Step Two? Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.

Step 3, "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." We make that decision daily. He will lead, guide, direct, give you strength, courage, wisdom, and any other thing you need for that day to live clean and sober, no matter what substance you choose to use to put between you and Him.

Love always,


I share because I care.

Last edited by MajestyJo; 10-27-2014 at 01:34 AM.
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