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Old 12-19-2015, 07:01 PM   #7
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Hanging On and Letting Go

Lord, there are times when we need to hang on,

There are times
when we are tired and discouraged,
and when the way before us seems so long;
when we feel helpless and alone,
and the way before us seems so confusing;
when we feel unequal to our tests and tasks,
and the way before us seems so difficult.

At such times,
be to us a source of strength,
comfort and hope
and enable us to hang on with tenacity
and toughness.

But, Lord, there are also times when we need to let go.

There are times
when we have chosen the wrong way,
and we are lost;
when old feelings, old attitudes, old behaviors,
old beliefs no longer serve us, no longer help us
when the way before us simply runs out,
and there is nothing for us to do
but to surrender.

At such times, Lord,
be our source of courage
and fill us with such a trust in you
that we may let go with tenderness and trust,
and in letting go, open our hearts that we might
receive your deepest mercies.

Lord, grant us the wisdom to know the difference
in the times --
to know when to hang on,
to persist, to persevere
and when to let go.
In so knowing, and in so acting,
give us your peace.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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