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Old 03-11-2019, 12:32 AM   #252
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Space to explore

"No one can find his work, what he really wants to put all of himself into, when everything he does he is made to do by others. This kind of searching must be done freely or not at all."

-- John Holt

We all need space -- free from demands, deadlines, expectations and judgments -- to explore who we are and what life is all about. Free time, with absolutely no agenda, is rich with potential. How can we grow if we have no space and freedom to dream?

"Deny children -- or anyone else -- the chance to do ‘nothing,’ and we may be denying them the chance to do ‘something’ -- to find and do any work that is truly important to themselves or to someone else."

-- John Holt
I realize that I was never allowed my space and I didn't know how to make a decision for myself. We can't know what we have never been taught and we pass on our shortcomings to our children. We did the best we could with what we had, but sometimes, we fell short of who we would like to be.

A friend once told me that I was an easy 'mark' and I had to change those old behaviors and habits.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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