Thread: Eating Disorder
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Old 12-10-2013, 01:36 AM   #7
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When we don't feel like going to a meeting, it may be because our old overeating habit is trying to surface. We are never cured of our disease and we never outgrow our need for the strength, fellowship, and love we receive from OA meetings.

From today's Food for Thought

Have an eating disorder, what I call part of my thinking, behind my dis-ease. I never went to OA meetings, but my sponsor had. We had opposite concepts, for her to lose weight was to die because she had been annorexic and for me to gain weight was to die, because my mother used food to deal with my father's disease.

My sponsor had also been to Emotions Anonymous and ACoA.

Like all addictions, some is good, more is better. When I picked up a substance, be it food, pills, alcohol, men (attention), etc. one was not enough, and when I had more, I couldn't stop, I still wanted more. When I reached a feeling, I couldn't stop there, I always needed more.

When I had eaten to stuff a feeling, and the feeling was gone, the substance was still there, I needed more. I was only governed by the amount that was available.

At 41 I decided I couldn't afford to keep myself in the style I had become accustomed. I made the decision that men were my problem and swore off them. I tried quitting drinking, and my pill intake increased along with the food and the thinking behind it.

Going to meetings was what kept me alive and sober. Without meetings and the people in the group, I would not have stayed clean and sober. I had to quit all substances. It was my thinking not my drinking that was the problem. It wasn't my eating, it was my thinking behind the eating that made my life unmanageable.

It is good to talk to someone who has been there and done it. About the only rooms I don't qualify for is Pot and Introvenous drugs. I had pot once and had a big resentment that I lost my alcohol and food. To top it off, we were at a restaurant owned by a friend, and we had just built up a big tab for same, and I lost it.

I had to take the body and when I did, the mind followed. I didn't get this way overnight, so I didn't heal overnight. It was those beautiful people my God put in my life to help me along the way. The right person always seemed to arrive at the right time.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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