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MajestyJo 03-24-2017 12:02 PM

Just for today, I will practice patience. I am waiting for my friend to come to look at my computer. He postponed his visit to 1 p.m.

MajestyJo 03-25-2017 09:16 AM

Just for today, I will practice gratitude. I am grateful that the rain is finally here. My body has been telling me that it has been coming. After it gets here, the pain lessens to a certain extent, although it can hurt in a different way, and then I have to practice more patience and tolerance. As they say, put some gratitude into my attitude and not take my pain out on others or myself.

MajestyJo 03-27-2017 03:23 AM

Just for today, I will be accepting of what is. I don't have to like it, sure don't feel like I lost a day. I don't like sleeping a day away, but just couldn't walk yesterday. I kept saying, "I'm going to do..., but didn't."

dwmoeller 03-27-2017 03:12 PM

Just for today, I will hand it over to God (my Higher Power) I'll give my worries, problems, wants and needs. I know that I can't do it all by myself. I will Let Go and Let God.

MajestyJo 03-28-2017 10:50 PM

Just for today, I will not beat myself for the things I forget and for falling short of my expectations of myself. Many times we have thoughts, but we don't always follow through with them. That is when a defect of character becomes a shortcoming.

Tried to do some housework today, didn't get much done, but I did try.

dwmoeller 03-29-2017 08:38 AM

Just for today, I will have a sense of humor. I am going to let the little kid in me out and learn to laugh for the gut.

MajestyJo 03-29-2017 02:32 PM

Just for today, I will remember that meeting makers make it. It was so good to get to my Al-Anon group today. I haven't been there for several weeks. I am grateful that my AA meeting is more. Additional food for the soul, can't get too much of it.

MajestyJo 03-30-2017 10:12 PM

Just for today, I will practice patience on all the things in my life that I need to tolerate. If you pray for patience, you get lots of things to practice on. Don't remember praying, but maybe my God thought I need some more practice on tolerance.

dwmoeller 03-31-2017 03:13 PM

Just for today, I will take time to think. I will take time to read. I will take time to play. I will work with my hands. I will count my blessings!

MajestyJo 03-31-2017 07:30 PM

Just for today, I will let go of my anger. I was so angry at the Dart's guy the other day who said he couldn't find me if he didn't know what building to go to. Today when I went, the number 565, which I gave them was right over the door to where I have my appointment. They also had the suite number, but I always make sure that I at the door at the right time. I had a few choice words for him. I couldn't believe it. They had dropped me off and picked me up twice and all of a sudden they had a problem. I need to say a prayer for him, because he is a regular staff, so I will get him again.

MajestyJo 04-01-2017 10:55 AM

Just for today, I have made up my mind to enjoy the day no matter what happens. At the moment, I am hurting, but I am not going to let that stop my day. I have my heating pad on my back to limber it up so I can get mobile today.

MajestyJo 04-02-2017 11:12 PM

Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I don't like housework, but did get busy in my kitchen today. Have to be patient and tolerant of myself. I tried to do three things at once - read my book, watch curling, and do dishes too.

dwmoeller 04-03-2017 09:58 AM

Just for today, I will stay sober for me, not someone else (like my son and daughter) -- otherwise it doesn't work.

dwmoeller 04-04-2017 08:31 AM

Just for today, I will try to get more sleep. I need to go to bed earlier so I can get more sleep. Getting more sleep will help improve my physical health.

MajestyJo 04-04-2017 04:33 PM

Just for today, I will accept what is in today. If I don't I stay stuck, and there is no way I want to stay where I am at in today and where I was yesterday. A lot of paralyzingly pain, and not able to think or work through it. The one good thing about it was that I did get sleep. I had 2 hours sleep the two days before. Catch up can be a good thing. The only thing worse than me was my computer. It was so slow and it takes a lot of patience to use it.

dwmoeller 04-06-2017 11:07 AM

Just for today, I will let the little kid in me out -- learn how to laugh from the gut. They say, "Laughter is the Best Medicine". I believe this is true. Having a good sense of humor and being able to laugh are important to good mental health.

MajestyJo 04-07-2017 05:49 AM

Just for today, I will apply the program to my life. It is a living program and applicable to all areas of my life, be it mental, emotional, spiritual, and/or physical.

I have to have a sense of humor and laugh at myself at times. I know, and often need to heed my own words. So easy to help others and ignore your own issues.

MajestyJo 04-08-2017 08:33 PM

Just for today, I will give thanks for the healing and help I got at the Holistic Center today. It has been difficult to walk lately, and I feel so much better. I know I will need another treatment at least before it gets any better.

MajestyJo 04-09-2017 09:27 PM

Just for today, I will lower my expectations and raise my level of acceptance. It is what it is and I am powerless over people, places, and things.

MajestyJo 04-10-2017 09:18 PM

Just for today, I will give myself a hug. I am lovable and deserving of love. When I meet people, especially new ones, I always say, "Do you do hugs?" I don't want to invade there space. Sometimes they have trouble reaching out a hand to connect with you. I was told, "You are only half a hand shake you know.

MajestyJo 04-11-2017 11:25 PM

Just for today, I ask for help in letting go of resentments. Had a resentment against my son for waking me up this morning when I had only slept for 2 hours. I have been awak all day, and every time I laid down, I couldn't seem to stay down.

It was ironic, seeing as I was up, I decided to follow through on my plans and went to a noon meeting and then grocery shopping. At the meeting they read Freedom from Bondage and talks about Step Three. The reading in the Big Book was Step 3 and the beginning of Step 4. Needless to say, it was what I needed to hear. Just for today, I will practice the principles of the program on all of my affairs.

MajestyJo 04-12-2017 11:54 PM

Just for today, I will have acceptance of what is in the moment. I will practice my program and give thanks that it is there for me at this time. I have to accept my son's disease as well as my own. I also need to remember that I qualify for both sides of the street.

MajestyJo 04-14-2017 11:16 AM

Just for today, I will live in the moment. I will check my attitude at the door and remember that it takes one to know one.

MajestyJo 04-15-2017 09:32 PM

Just for today, I will give thanks for the healing power that was made available to me today. A friend of mine said, "You are always helping others, I am taking you to a place to get healing for you. It was a good experience. I don't know that I would go again as it was against some of my personal beliefs, but that is okay. They prayed to a God of all religions, I pray to a God who is all powerful and gives, no matter what religion you are.

MajestyJo 04-16-2017 01:45 PM

Just for today, I will be open minded and be willing to receive all the lessons and gifts that have been sent my way. I didn't agree with all that was said yesterday, but I was very aware of the energy in the room, just not sure all of it was positive.

As they say, "Take what you need and leave the rest." I like to think of it as leave some for the other guy, he may need it more than you do. Three people there had the same issues as I did. All gifts gratefully received.

MajestyJo 04-17-2017 11:58 PM

Just for today, I am willing to be willing to do what I need to do for myself. I went to my chiropractor's appointment, caught the bus to go to see my sister in the hospital, and when she fell asleep when I was there, I left and came home to my own bed. I fell asleep in my chair last night and didn't feel rested. I credited the healing energies I received yesterday for a good sleep. I woke and felt like a new me. Before I went to bed I went to the pharmacy to take my blood pressure. I was 129/77/75, much better than 147/56/60 of the previous reading.

MajestyJo 04-18-2017 08:50 PM

Just for today, I will think happy thoughts. I will have hope for my sister and wish her all the best. She is not open minded. I told her that people where asking for her. She countered that her pastor had been to see her. Maybe it is my thinking, but I got the impression that if the prayers don't come from church they don't count. So many come from church, but that doesn't mean church prayers are the only ones that are powerful.

I believe a thought is a prayer. We need to give out good thoughts, because what we put out, we get back.

dwmoeller 04-19-2017 09:54 AM

Just for today, I will pray for others. I will pray for others: the alcoholic that still suffers, physical and mental health, well being, strength, wisdom, courage, willingness, acceptance.

MajestyJo 04-19-2017 04:56 PM

Just for today, I will try to love myself. Sometimes we need love from others, especially when we can't find it within ourselves. Today I can't seem to think through the pain.

MajestyJo 04-20-2017 07:43 PM

Just for today I will try. The failure is in the not trying, so I know that I have to do the foot work and put the effort into things if I wants things to happen.

Failure is in the not trying. Trying and not meeting our expectations or that of others, is not a failure. We need to lower our expectations and not take on other people's stuff.

MajestyJo 04-21-2017 08:35 PM

Just for today, I will let my day unfold and except my God's Blessings in today. It isn't every day that I get 7 plus hours of sleep. It is so important to be grateful. It may not seem much to some people, but for me they are golden.

MajestyJo 04-22-2017 09:35 PM

Just for today, I will nurture and take care of myself. The sun was shining and yet, my whole body has ached from top to toe. It even hurt to type. No pain pills to take, so did meditation earlier, will do more when I finish posting.

dwmoeller 04-25-2017 09:32 AM

MajestyJo 04-25-2017 10:20 PM

Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance, mainly with myself. I can't do what I want to do when I want to do it and it is ticking me off, to put it mildly.

It is practice what you preach. You know what to do, why haven't you done it? When all else fails? Pray!!!

MajestyJo 04-25-2017 10:21 PM

Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance, mainly with myself. I can't do what I want to do when I want to do it and it is ticking me off, to put it mildly.

It is practice what you preach. You know what to do, why haven't you done it? When all else fails? Pray!!!

MajestyJo 04-26-2017 08:46 PM

Just for today, I will try for acceptance. If I don't find acceptance, I go into the grrrr stage which leads to anger and a lot more work I have to do on my in today. I must remember that I don't have to like it to accept it, but I do need to find some measure of acceptance in order to move on.

MajestyJo 04-27-2017 08:01 AM

Just for today, I will apply my program to all areas of my life. I must remember that I have a thinking problem not a drinking problem. I haven't had a dirnk for 25 years. But if I let my thinking get out of whack, it can lead me to a drink before I know it.

MajestyJo 04-28-2017 11:25 PM

Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I will do the same thing tomorrow. I can't believe that the doctor would give me a prescription for a tablet that is pure codeine. They said that the other medication was addictive. I never abused it, only by not taking it when I was suppose to. I have enlarged kidney and codeine is not good for my body never my addiction. Codeine was one of the C words that came to mine when I went to Cocaine Anonymous. I didn't use Codaine or Crack, but had my own C words like Control, Codeine, and Coffee with caffeine.

God grant me the Serenity....

MajestyJo 04-29-2017 08:58 PM

Just for today, I am continuting to work on patience and tolerance with myself. I was really hurting today and it was hard to be connected because of my pain. I was out with my friend and talked to my sister and a friend on the phone and they couldn't hear me.

Very tired, just want to go back to my bed. I haven't had dinner yet. One day at a time, that is how it is. As I told my friend, I just woke up, so I am starting a new day.

MajestyJo 04-30-2017 05:18 PM

Just for today, I will make a special effort to be there for friends. I must remember that isolation blocks the spirit and I become sick.

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