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MajestyJo 07-29-2016 10:53 AM

Just for today, I will ask for patience and tolerance. The two go together for me. I have heard nasty things about the shingles. I can remember a dear aunt years ago having them. The medicine field has comee a long way since then, but then so have I, it was about 60 years ago.

I must always remember one day at a time. My Higher Power will see me through it.

MajestyJo 07-30-2016 08:13 PM

Just for today, I will have an attitude of gratitude. I will apply the program to my pain. I will transform my old thinking into something more positive.

MajestyJo 07-31-2016 01:00 AM

Just for today, I will work my program by living in the moment. It is a one day at a time program, but there are many hours, minutes, and seconds in that 24 hour day.

Just for today, I will try to be the best me that I can be in today.

MajestyJo 08-01-2016 12:41 PM

Just for today, I will celebrate my life. I had to go through what I went through to get to where I am in today. I am where I am at as a result of decisions made.

MajestyJo 08-02-2016 02:09 PM

Just for today, I will do what I need to do for my health and well being. I had to come home today because I experience chest pain twice. The first time it felt like my heart was being squeezed and I think it is because I am retaining fluid as my feet and ankles are swollen.

Going to go and put the feet up after I go downstairs and check my blood pressure.

MajestyJo 08-03-2016 12:18 AM

Just for today, I will smile and say hello, even if he/she is a stranger. I hope to go to my Al-Anon meeting today, I haven't been able to get there for a few weeks. I have been having my meetings by talking to people on FB on two sites:- Courage to Change and Addict's Mom. It is good to share with others. It helps to get out of self. I find it helps with depression and keeps me off the pity pot.

Yesterday's post looke barren without a picture, so going to look for a rabbit. Rabbit means fear. I must always remember that fear and faith can't occupy the same space. My meditation card tonight was faith and sign from above.

MajestyJo 08-03-2016 01:15 PM

Just for today, I will be honest with myself. I was a little dishonest yesterday by saying I was alright and didn't need to go to the hospital. When I talked to the medical student from my doctor's office this morning, she said I should have gone and if it happens again, go!

I have an appointment with my heart specialist on the 8th. So will make a point of letting him know.

I know better, I was dressed and ready to go out the door and couldn't bring myself to go. The voice of the intern the last time I went kept running through my head. Why are you here. I said I had chest pain and pain down my arm, otherwise I wouldn't be here. I justified not going because I didn't have arm pain, just my heart doing a thump, thump, just a little too fast.

Just for today, I will be honest and not pull on the blanket of denial. If I get pain, I will go to the hospital.

MajestyJo 08-04-2016 04:11 PM

Just for today, I will not feed into the blame game. That was a topic at my group today and I realize I can still play that role. Like the slogan says, "Let it begin with me." It isn't about the other person and what they are doing, it is about me and how I work and live my recovery. If you take me out of blame and shame, you are left with the bla...which is nothing, or sham, which means it isn't reality. Like this little guy, I can sling all the mud I want, but it generally comes back on me.

MajestyJo 08-05-2016 05:47 AM

Just for today, I will ask for patience and tolerance. Friday's are not good for me. It always brings stress. There is suppose to be a thunder storm, I am hoping it doesn't start until I get home. I have to go to dietician, then to lab to get blood work done, and then I would like to go and see Rob at the hospital.


MajestyJo 08-06-2016 11:20 AM

Just for today, I will let go and let God. I have stress from so many sources that I can't keep track and not sure what is old news and what is new amd what is just ongoing, like my son. I will try to live and let live, after a call from my sister last night, I just can't see the reasoning. I had good new that Rob was operated on yesterday afternoon, so hopefully it was a success. All I can do is pray, turn it over to my God, and take it one day at a time.

Just like this little guy, I want it all to just go away.

MajestyJo 08-07-2016 03:06 PM

Just for today, I will accept people as they are. I don't accept unacceptable behaviour. Acceptance is the key to all my problems today.

MajestyJo 08-08-2016 09:18 PM

Just for today, I will try to stay active and not be lazy. I went down to the pharmacy to get my weekly meds (forgot last week), cooked dinner, watched Olympics (about a day behind), and tried to finish my book that is due in three days. I have been fighting sleep since I woke up from a nap at 3 p.m. I want to go to an AA meeting tomorrow with the newcomer that calls me each day. As they say, gratitude is an action word. Don't just say it, show it.

MajestyJo 08-09-2016 01:42 AM

Just for today, I am going to try to be generous with my time. I hope to go to a noon AA meetings and meet up with the newcomer who has been phoning me every day since we met at my group Four Directions a few weeks ago.

Hoping to get some sleep, so I will be awake and aware enough to get there. To get there by bus is a round about way, and if it isn't too hot, I will walk down from Main to Wilson.

I don't want to be selfish, but I do need to take care of myself. One week she made it to my group and I did not. Quite often the mind is willing, but the flesh is weak.

MajestyJo 08-09-2016 05:15 PM

Just for today, take a time out and allow yourself to defrag. Take some quiet time to process things, let go and let God, and look at where you are at and whether you want to continue on the same path.

We have a choice as to whether we pick up worries and woes, or we can turn them over to our Higher Power. I will not take on other people's stuff and I will look at and deal with my own issues, instead of running away from them.

MajestyJo 08-10-2016 07:06 PM

Just for today, I will truust my God and know that He has my best interest at heart. I like the song, "The eye is on the sparrow, so I know He is watching me." Nothing is too small or too big to take to our Higher Power.

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