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yukonm 04-29-2014 08:05 AM

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Essential to life

You are not too old or too tired or too broke or too disadvantaged. You are uniquely qualified to add substance to life.

Don’t get caught up in making judgments about what is fair or unfair or easy or difficult. Just get on with the satisfying and fulfilling business of making a real positive difference in the world.

You’ve done it many times before and you know you can do it many more times again. You know how great it makes you feel to know you truly matter.

So get busy, get some good stuff done, and feel that great feeling again and again. Forget about the silly excuses and focus on the significant difference you can make.

There are lots of great people in this world. Yet there is no one who can do a better job of being you than you.

Life is great, and you are essential to that greatness. Do your part, in your own special way, and feel how truly great it is.

— Ralph Marston


yukonm 04-30-2014 07:23 AM

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Lighten up and live well

You are an important, indispensable part of life on this day. Yet that is no reason to be arrogant.

You have a vital job to do. Yet that doesn’t mean you must be stuffy and overly serious.

You do things best when you do them joyfully. Lighten up, have fun, and spread true joy everywhere you go.

Be mature and responsible, but don’t be dull and brooding about it. Be purposeful and determined, but don’t be uptight about it.

Demonstrate your determination not with a rigid scowl on your face, but with joyous achievement. Life is an amazingly grand adventure, so allow yourself to experience and express delight in every moment.

See yourself as happily dancing through the moments of this day, and nothing will be able to bring you down. Live lightly, live joyously, and live well.

— Ralph Marston


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