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MajestyJo 08-07-2017 11:48 PM

Grateful I had a sober day. Can't say I had sobriety when I slept 11 of the hours of the day away.
Grateful that I have freedom of choice. My bed is calling to me again. I am also hearing my TV saying your shows are on and you are behind in your tennis.
Grateful that it is moment by moment, and more will be revealed as I move on into a new day. There is no rush as I only have about 40 min. left in this day.
Grateful that I have food to eat, even if I don't feel like eating it. I feel like making cookies, but don't have the energy to make them. I am thinking of oatmeal chocolate if I can find a recipe I only have coco, not the square or chips.
Grateful that what I saw of it, the sun did come out. If there was a storm, I didn't hear it.
Grateful my son was here, even though I am still waiting for him to do my floors and finish my painting. He takes after his mother, starts something and has trouble finishing it. It must be the addict in him.
Grateful that with a bit of an argument and a few choice words, my computer is working. I must may have to get myself a new one when I get my refund back. I have worn a lot of the lettering off the keys and some of the keys don't want to go down when I press on them. I have to be very aggressive with them in order for them to print.
Grateful that it is one day at a time.
Grateful for much more I am sure, just not thinking of it in the moment.
Grateful for my God, so glad He is willing to put up with me.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 08-11-2017 10:39 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for the tools of recovery.
Grateful for the sunshine, it always puts a smile into my day.
Grateful that I got some housework done today.
Grateful that I made it to my AA meeting on Thursday.
Grateful that I made it to my NA meeting tonight.
Grateful that no matter what is going on in your life, when you go to a meeting, you will hear what you need to hear.
Grateful for my food and my home.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. My days are sometimes longer than others, while others are short and seem to disappear.
Grateful that I don't have to use to make the hours disappear. All I wanted to do was shut down and make the world go away.
Grateful for all the people who share this journey with me. Hoping your angel is watching over you.

MajestyJo 08-18-2017 12:29 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety, and the chance to start anew.
Grateful that recovery taught me that a day can start any time, and that each new day is a new beginning. Erase, delete, do better next time.
Grateful that I survived my fall although I am nursing some hurts tonight. My body is breaking out in spots for sure, some I had forgotten about and hoped not to hear from again.
Grateful that no one can see the beautiful bruises I am sporting. They run from my lower back, down my left him to about my knee. The skin came off my arm and it is swollen and bruised too. I sure did a number on myself.
Grateful that it is my bedtime, I need to put the feet up.
Grateful that my son and I went together for a late dinner, grilled cheese sandwiches, which he made and potato salad that took me hours to put together, but it was tasty.
Grateful I go to the foot clinic tomorrow, the tootsies are looking the worse for wear.
Grateful that the weather has been good while I was out today, didn't need to do much dodging of the drops, coming home from my AA meeting.
Grateful that I made it to my group, we had a good crowd.
Grateful for all those that walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 08-20-2017 11:44 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I have had an abundance of sleep. Much more healing than what I normall get. 12 hours yesterday and 10 1/4 hours today.
Grateful that I listened to the voice that said, "Go to bed last night instead of picking up the converter and watching TV."
Grateful that my vision has cleared. I was very worried about it as it was burred and after my doctor said I had near perfect vision.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner last night and I am hoping he will do it again, even if it is the same, hamburgers and tater tots. They sure tasted good last night.
Grateful that my son bandaged my arm even though he freaked at the site of the whole arm which he had never seen. Two spots still bleeding and three spots raw and the rest black and blue.
Grateful that some of the bruising has gone out of my hip and leg.
Grateful that I got an appointment at the Holistic Center to get a treatment on my neck. I has been paining a lot. I sure did a number on mysef between the fall last week and the one three weeks ago.
Grateful there must be a message there some where. Didn't think I was moving too fast. Maybe he is telling me to cut back on my time on the computer. I have left three groups this past week. Time to take another inventory.
Grateful for the 12 Step Program. Even if I don't know, it will tell me if I practice the Steps in all areas of my life.
Grateful for the blessing I receive by sharing with you.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 08-27-2017 01:31 PM

Grateful for a day of sobriety, even though it is only half way through. I am still waiting to eat lunch.
Grateful that I woke up to sunshine. Getting much better at this morning thing, woke up at 10 am on my own.
Grateful that my son made potato salad even though I think he went overboard on the onion. ;) I think they call that a left handed compliment.
Grateful that my sister went into the hospital and didn't wait too overly long, which she has a habit of doing. She even canceled a couple of appointments to go.
Grateful that I booked Darts to go to a meeting tonight and Tuesday. The group tonight needs support and is my old home group in NA.
Grateful for Darts, even though I do cuss them once in a while (trying to do better on that), they will pick me up from the hospital on Monday and take me to the hospital my sister is in, and then bring me home. I have the follow up from when I was in the hospital to see what is causing me to fall.
Grateful that I have lots of Kleenex as my nose wants to run off my face. I think I am running a fever too, so not going to see my sister today. Taking some Echinacea.
Grateful that my friend Theresa is giving me my pin on Thursday. No one knows me like she does.
Grateful that I was able to celebrate in NA on Friday. It was a celebration for NA, left to my own devises, I would not have celebrated because I have only been back in NA for two months. It was great to have so many people new in recovery there. Too bad they don't get the support from long-timers in the fellowship. It was one of the reason why I joined the group. I hope it isn't like that in other groups in the fellowship. Sadly, membership and attendance at meetings is down. I am thinking that a lot of people who goo through treatment think they have done all the Steps and don't need meetings any more. Sadly, all they have done is an extensive 1st Step, and when they get to their 1st year, then the work begins. It takes 11 months to detox.
Grateful for the program. The suggestions are laid down for us. There are some darn well betters, or you will go back out. I have seen it happen far too many times, worse still when they go back out, it takes a long time for them to come back if they make it. I know I had 2 sponsees who didn't want to work the program, went back out and died.
Grateful for those who follow my journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-01-2017 11:40 PM

Grateful for a sober day that fell far short of sobriety.
Grateful that to slip emotionally, doesn't mean I have to physically pick up.
Grateful for the tools of recovery, they can help us not fall when we have a slip and fall back into an old behavior.
Grateful that I have had a lot of practice trying to get this program right one day at a time.
Grateful that I got some grocery shopping done.
Grateful that I remembered to take my blood pressure before I had my nap. I have been calling myself the walking dead. 118/42/pulse 51.
Grateful that I treatment myself to fish and chips today.
Grateful for my next door neighbor, she gave me two chocolate macaroons after my group. Couldn't just have one, but did stop at two, even though it was offered.
Grateful for her dog, Spencer. He had his coat on, I wasn't the only one feeling the cold. ;)
Grateful for my AA home group who had a celebration for me on Thursday. I celebrated in NA last week.
Grateful it is one day at a time. Today was a hurting day and all I can do is push through the pain, and remember that picking up doesn't make it better or take it away. It compounds the interest.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-04-2017 10:31 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. Not hard to stay sober when you sleep most of the day away. :(
Grateful for the 12 Step programs. They are a common denominator between all the fellowships.
Grateful for the food I had to eat today, it was special because my son cooked it and all I had to do was eat it.
Grateful that it is raining. The grass will grow and my son will be able to continue to work.
Grateful that I made it to the NA meeting last night for a 1 year celebration.
Grateful for the Just for Today readings, today's was extra special for me. It talked about uncluttering our spirit.
Grateful that the Good Orderly Direction is there if we choose to look for it. As it says in Step 9, we will be amazed before we are half way through.
Grateful that a day can start any time, I am thinking of ending this day and go back to my bed.
Grateful for all those who travel this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-07-2017 11:31 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that even though I had only a so, so day, I didn't find the need to pick up.
Grateful that my nap turned out to be a nap not a sleep-a-log.
Grateful that even though I didn't want to eat them after I cooked them, my pork chops did taste alright, but didn't tempt my appetite. The smell of garlic while they were cooking, seemed to fill me up as well as nauseate me. LOL!
Grateful that I made it to my AA group today. Even though I wanted to stay in bed and pressed snooze twice before I got out of bed.
Grateful we had a good attendance at my group and we had a couple of newcomers. Yeah!!!
Grateful that my heart specialist was willing to cut back on my medication. She said, "Your kidneys are bad. I sent you to the hospital, why didn't they keep you." Whoops! How bad is bad? Inquiring minds want to know.
Grateful that I am going to see the Internal Medicine specialist on Monday and I see my doctor a week from tomorrow.
Grateful that someone finally listened, I have been complaining about my kidneys for months.
Grateful that is one day at a time.
Grateful that acceptance is the key to any kind of serenity.
Grateful for H.O.W. it works. Honesty, Open-Mindedness, and Willingness go along way to making things better.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-12-2017 12:49 AM

Grateful for another day, even if it only a few minutes old.
Grateful for a day of sobriety yesterday, especially when I consider the fact that I spent 3 hours at the hospital.
Grateful that doctors, nurses, and social worker all took time to talk to me.
Grateful that they reduced the strength of my medication.
Grateful that they recognized the fact that my high blood pressure medication was working over time and my blood pressure was low.
Grateful that I got some reading done and some TV watched, even though it made me late posting.
Grateful that I managed to cook a meal and eat it too.
Grateful that I got a call to go to the Holistic Center on Wednesday.
Grateful that Darts were able to get me booked even though I gave them only two day notice.
Grateful that I was able to walk downtown after resting and having lunch when I came home from the hospital.
Grateful that I was able to pick up some groceries.
Grateful more for the fact that I could lift my walker onto the bus with the groceries on it.
Grateful that I could touch base with three friends today.
Grateful that I didn't completely miss out on Monday.
Grateful that my laundry keeps calling me, perhaps I will get some done tomorrow. When it comes to laundry, tomorrow never seems to come. As I told the social worker today, I have no problem with laundry, I have too many clothes to see me through.
Grateful that I have tennis, curling and darts to watch. There are not enough hours in a day.
Grateful that I have two more days to finish my books. I have 10 books out that are calling to me.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-17-2017 10:12 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I could go to a meeting tonight.
Grateful that when I am not feeling well, I know I can go to a meeting and feel better.
Grateful that my memory was right on, there was a 2 year anniversary for NA.
Grateful that I could go back to my old group and support it.
Grateful that I was able to walk downtown to meet my friend Theresa today.
Grateful that I connected with a couple of friends on the phone.
Grateful that I still have a desire to go to a meeting and able to go there.
Grateful that Darts sent a taxi to pick me up on time so I wasn't waiting alone for a ride home.
Grateful I remembered that I had a $10. Rexall coupon, and I hadn't lost it.
Grateful that I got caught up on sleep, even though I already made a withdrawl on my sleep bank today.
Grateful that I got birthday cake on top of the fruit and chocolate danish I had for dinner. No matter what way you look at it, not good for a diabetic.
Grateful that this program is one day at a time.
Grateful that I got to the library to take my books back. It is hard to believe. I only have six books out.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-25-2017 10:57 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety, with the exception of the parts where my thoughts got in the way. I found myself cussing, so I know I need a meeting.
Grateful that I got to Unity Day. I think I was to one years ago, so long ago, I can`t be sure.
Grateful that I got asked to speak on a panel. It was about relationships and I wasn`t too sure I qualified. I started my talk with the fact that it took me 2 husbands to get 10 years of marriage.
Grateful that I helped one person, it sure helped me and I met a lady from out of town and I hope to see her again.
Grateful that I got up to Limeridge Mall today. I got to go visit Ma Bell to see about my bill and went into a Second Cup Coffee Shop and had a pumpkin scone. It was a bit dry, so I was grateful that I had asked to be given butter for it.
Grateful that six of the books I ordered came in to the library.
Grateful that my HP sees fit to set me on the right path for me.
Grateful that my program is up-to-date, you can`t participate in something like Unity Day and walk away spiritually depleted.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.
Grateful that there is a pathway to a better life. I just have to follow it.
Grateful for this site and the people who post and visit here.

MajestyJo 10-01-2017 12:47 AM

Grateful for a new day. Sorry to say it hasn't start out with serenity. My sobriety flew out the window when my son came in and asked me for money.
Grateful that I got to the Holistic Center for a treatment from Bill.
Grateful that the lump on my leg has diminished greatly. I can hardly feel it.
Grateful that my level of pain has diminished.
Grateful for the food I like to eat. It sure makes a difference. It also depends on whether it is good for you. Unfortunately me eating half a strawberry/rhubarb pie is not good for me of me to have eaten it.
Grateful that I got to the chiropractor this week. He helped with the easing of the pain in my neck and made it easier for Bill to put things in place.
Grateful that I got a 12 Step call yesterday, it was as though my God knew I needed a meeting, and He sent someone to me.
Grateful for NA, today I booked rides to the Sunday and the Tuesday night meetings.
Grateful that I got to the anniversary of my AA group on Thursday. I am debating as to whether I am going to stay with the group, or just go to AA. I am not getting what I needed from the group, although I hesitate to leave it because of the long time sobriety that goes there.
Grateful that Housing are doing repairs to our apartments.
Grateful for friends and family.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 10-08-2017 11:02 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. I made it through a family dinner and didn't open my mouth too much.
Grateful that I got an invite to my sister's oldest daughter's for Thanksgiving dinner today.
Grateful that we get to celebrate our gratitude, although I think it should be celebrated all year round.
Grateful that I finally found sleep, even if it wasn't until 9 am this morning. when my alarm went off at 3 pm, I hit the snooze button. Thank God for snooze buttons.
Grateful that I was full to overflowing after a delicious dinner.
Grateful that I was able to detach from the noise. I am getting oh so old!!!
Grateful that my niece had some allergy medication. There were cut flowers brought for grandmothers and mothers and I am allergic to them.
Grateful for my God for seeing me through all occasions, even if it is a day of what seems to be a lot of nothingness or a day full and overflowing.
Grateful that I have my eye sight and am still able to read. I would be lost without my books.
Grateful that there are still not enough hours in a day. Days seem to overlap into nights and next mornings.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 10-14-2017 12:09 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got to see my doctor. I asked to see him specifically and he listened. ;)
Grateful that I found out that I had a cyst on my kidney. It will help me to be more watchful, don't want another one. They said it was benign, so I am grateful for that.
Grateful that it rained yesterday. It was my excuse for not making it to my AA meeting.
Grateful that I had more of an appetite today.
Grateful that I haven't gained back all my weight. My bagel binge hasn't added any more bulges.
Grateful that it is a one day at a time program.
Grateful that it is progress not perfection. Some days I do have to admit to not too much progress, other than I am aware and do it any way. Not so good, God and I are working on that.
Grateful that I had a good book to read while putting up my feet. Have book will travel, especially when using Darts.
Grateful for my sense of humor, even if it is a bit sick at times.
Grateful that I made it to the business meetings and my regular NA group meeting.
Grateful that I always feel better after a meeting. If I didn't, I would have to ask myself, what am I doing wrong. I was told many years ago, it isn't about what your group can do for you, it is about what you can do for your group.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 10-17-2017 11:58 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. Couldn't lose today, slept most of the day away.
Grateful that the sun was shining. It was really windy, but not as cold as yesterday.
Grateful that I was able to walk to the bus stop on the way home from the hospital.
Grateful that I listened to myself, even though I had to give myself a tug or two, and came straight home and didn't go to the mall.
Grateful that there was a homeless girl by my bus stop. She made me aware of how much I have to be grateful for. When I bought my slice of pizza, the girl cut it in half. I took the smaller half of my Canadian pizza, and gave her the rest. Her sign said "Anything would be appreciated." Know I am not suppose to tell of a good deed, that it makes it nil and void, but that is okay, I am not counting points.
Grateful that I had my strawberries and cinnamon and raisin bagel before I went for my ultra sound. Truthfully, that is probably why I was willing to share my pizza slice. :)
Grateful that I only had half of the show Dancing with the Stars to watch, I was hit with the fatigue, and could hardly stay awake. Can't believe I slept for almost 12 hours.
Grateful that I was able to connect with a couple of friends today.
Grateful that I got an errand done yesterday and today. Things are looking up.
Grateful that I can come here and share with members and guests.
Grateful that I got things posted before midnight. :D
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

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