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MajestyJo 06-12-2017 01:33 PM


"Few people have any next, they live from hand to mouth without a plan, and are always at the end of their line."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just think: When we are driving, we know where we want to go and we plot out our route. When we plan and prepare a meal, we follow a recipe and monitor the food as it cooks.

How much attention do we give to planning the direction of our lives?

Taking the time to review our quality of life gives us a chance to re-evaluate what we are doing and where we want to go. It lets us fine-tune our direction, to ensure we are on track for what we most want.

Stop and think about your last 6 months. What did you learn? What would you like to do differently? Where do you want to recommit?

"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up."
-- A. A. Milne

"Always have a plan, and believe in it. Nothing happens by accident."
-- Chuck Knox

Access your own inner wisdom by tapping into your subconscious and intuition. Release stress, blocks and negative emotions, and spark imagination and greater vision. Go deeper...

MajestyJo 06-12-2017 01:34 PM


"I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself."
-- Rita Mae Brown

Where do you need to think for yourself?

When we begin to cultivate awareness of our thoughts and emotions, we begin to see just how much we live according to other people's and society's beliefs and actions. Don't get upset by this. Just get in touch with how you really think and feel inside and begin to express your authenticity.

"Once in a while it really hits people that they don't have to experience the world in the way they have been told to."
-- Alan Keightley

*** Awareness is the key to all change. Begin to trust yourself more deeply as you uncover new dimensions of who you are

MajestyJo 06-12-2017 01:37 PM


"People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges."
-- Joseph F. Newton

We experience soul when we really connect with life -- when we stop and consciously experience what is happening.

We lose soul with:
• resistance - to anyone or anything
• superficiality - we avoid depth of experience
• control - we try to control the relationship
• selfishness - we remain self-centered.

Each of these attitudes fosters separation rather than connection. Once again, soul lives in relating.

Take time to become aware of, and perhaps journal on how you relate to other people and things in your life.

"We have to decide for ourselves what's nourishing to our souls, and do those things over others."
-- Thomas Moore

Access your own inner wisdom by tapping into your subconscious and intuition. Release stress, blocks and negative emotions, and spark imagination and greater vision. Go deeper...

MajestyJo 06-14-2017 12:38 AM


"Generosity lies less in giving much than in giving at the right moment."
-- Jean De La Bruyère

While it's important to give, it's also essential that we not give more than we can afford. Only you can determine the appropriate amount of time or money you can give away, but it should not cause you hardship. We need to respect our own needs as well as the needs of others.

When do you give more than you can afford?

"Generosity is another quality which, like patience, letting go, non-judging, and trust, provides a solid foundation for mindfulness practice. You might experiment with using the cultivation of generosity as a vehicle for deep self-observation and inquiry as well as an exercise in giving."
-- Jon Kabat Zinn

MajestyJo 06-14-2017 12:40 AM


"More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones."
-- Mother Teresa

If we are prompted to ask for spiritual blessings for ourselves or others, how do we best do this?

Speaker Kimberly Herkert offers that it is best to simply ask the divine for health and help. As human beings, we are not capable of seeing the big picture for anyone's situation. As a result, we are not able to judge what is best for anyone, including ourselves.

The Higher Power always knows best, and the general prayer for 'health and help' acknowledges the wisdom that exists there and our faith in divine will.

"God answers prayer in His own way, not ours."
-- Mohandas Gandhi

*** Awareness is the key to all change. Begin to trust yourself more deeply as you uncover new dimensions of who you are.

MajestyJo 06-14-2017 12:49 AM


"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."
-- Epictetus

Do you want more in your life? More love? More happiness? More money? More satisfaction? Then explore how you can BE more.

In the Delfin Knowledge System, Leslie Fieger advises, "You can have more when you are willing to give more. You must begin this process by giving more to yourself. Give yourself more time; give yourself more attention; give yourself more love; give yourself more of what you want. Then decide how to offer the more that you are (and have) to the world and you will receive even more back in return."

"Let the waters settle you will see stars and moon mirrored in your Being."
-- Rumi

Our process is clear. First 'know yourself' - your personality and direction in life. Then 'create a plan'. Next 'heal yourself and what holds you back. Then you can expand and 'grow yourself'. Are you ready to commit to changing your life for the better?

MajestyJo 06-26-2017 08:35 PM


Are you in integrity?

“In order to live a rich life, everything about who you are must be one, in alignment, and in pure harmony.”

-- Suze Orman

For clear and honest expression, our thoughts, speech and actions must all be congruent. We will not stand in our power if we are inadvertently sending mixed messages—if we say one thing and do another.

I found it helpful to consciously identify the values that matter most to me. With these values in mind, it’s easier to ensure I’m living them.

“Honor your integrity and you will be repaid many times over with increased prosperity.”

-- Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

(C) Reproductions Permitted:
When I was in active addiction, I had no values. Any spiritual principles that I had been raised with seemed to have disappeared or didn't seem to matter.

In today, I live by the spiritual principles of the Steps and the values I was taught growing up are now back integrated into my life.

Integrity for me mean to walk your talk. Don't say one thing and do something else. As the saying doesn't say, "Do what I say, don't do what I do." It is doing what you say.

MajestyJo 07-15-2017 05:28 AM


"You may be good, but what are you good for? You've got to be good for something. You’ve got to be about some project, some task that requires you to be humble and obedient to the universal principles of service."
-- Stephen R. Covey

"We had to learn ourselves, and furthermore we had to teach the despairing men, that it did not matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life but instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life, daily and hourly. Our answer must consist not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for the individual."
-- Victor Frankl

"If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room."
-- Anita Roddick

*** Do you feel an urge or calling in you to be or do more? Then honour it and open to more meaning and fulfillment by exploring your life purpose. Maybe it is time to do life instead of life doing you!

MajestyJo 07-15-2017 05:30 AM


"Employ the power of positive quitting. Most of us view quitting as something negative, but it’s not. 'Winners never quit,' we're told, when, in reality, winners quit all the time: choosing to stop doing things that aren’t creating the results they desire. When you quit all the things that aren’t working for you, when you quit tolerating all the negative things that hold you back, you'll create a positive ‘charge’ in your life as well as create the space in your life for more positive experiences."
-- Jim Allen

"I like thinking of possibilities. At any time, an entirely new possibility is liable to come along and spin you off in an entirely new direction. The trick, I've learned, is to be awake to the moment."
-- Doug Hall

"Persons and societies do not submit passively to surroundings and events. They make choices as to the places where they live and the activities in which they engage -- choices based on what they want to be, to do and to become. Furthermore, persons and societies often change their goals and ways; they can even retrace their steps and start in a new direction if they believe they are on a wrong course. Thus, whereas animal life is prisoner of biological evolution which is essentially irreversible, human life has the wonderful freedom of social evolution which is rapidly reversible and creative. Wherever human beings are concerned, trend is not destiny."
-- Rene Dubos

Confused about what you want and where you're going? We'll support you in getting clear so you can plan your life and live your plan! Take our online personal goal setting workbook with daily email support. Discover the empowerment that comes with focus!

MajestyJo 07-15-2017 05:31 AM


"[Manifestation is] the art of fashioning a co- creative, synchronistic, and mutually supportive relationship between the inner creative energies of a person's own mind and spirit and their counterpart within the larger world in order to bring a new and desirable situation into being."
-- David Spangler

I have always understood that Spirit works through us. Only recently have I really come to appreciate how Spirit works WITH us. The divine life force partners with our unique perspective, our passion and our skills to create new life situations.

We are not passive vessels for God's will. To realize our highest potential, we must co-create with the divine.

"We must see ourselves as co-manifestors -- partners in manifestation -- all engaged in the primal act of unfoldment and emergence. Each act of manifestation may be directed toward a specific outcome, but it also contributes to the greater manifestation of the wholeness, love, compassion, and creativity of the primal source from which we all come."
-- David Spangler

What is personality? What is soul? How do they interact? Experience the power of living soulfully in the present moment.

MajestyJo 07-15-2017 05:34 AM


"We know too much and feel too little. At least, we feel too little of those creative emotions from which a good life springs."
-- Bertrand Russell

Many of the qualities that bring fulfilment in life are feelings, like love, joy, freedom and gratitude.

In our overly rational world, we tend to think about how we feel, which, of course, is not feeling at all -- it's thinking.

Honour your feelings and be willing to experience them. They give us valuable feedback about what is and what is not working in our lives. They are the signposts to meaningful inner work.

"With just a little education and practice on how to manage your emotions, you can move into a new experience of life so rewarding that you will be motivated to keep on managing your emotional nature in order to sustain it. The payoff is delicious in terms of improved quality of life."
-- Doc Childre

Explore and get in touch with your feelings.

*** Restart building a new foundation for your life. Clear blocks and transform your life. Discover a whole new way of working with life's challenges.

MajestyJo 07-15-2017 05:37 AM


"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."
-- Lao Tzu

How do you label yourself? How do you label others?

Be aware that any label is limiting. Labels stick us in a box where there's no room to move. Today, experience how it feels to let go of the labels to rest in 'I am.' Feel the freedom, the spaciousness, the infinite potential of simply being.

"As long as I am this or that, I am not all things."
-- Meister Eckhart

"Your only limitations are those you set up in your mind, or permit others to set up for you."
-- Og Mandino

Meditation is a powerful tool for experiencing 'I am.' *** Step by step, progressively learn basic meditation methods to relax, concentrate, focus, reflect, contemplate and illuminate.

MajestyJo 07-15-2017 05:38 AM


"An open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart."
-- David Augsburger

We can easily get into trouble in relationships when we assume that we know what someone else is thinking or feeling. Parents, in particular, can be quick to judge what's going on in their children.

Rather than assuming we know someone else's experience, we could shift our perceptions into questions. Instead of saying, 'I know you're hurting,' we could ask, 'Are you feeling hurt?' This allows us to connect with the other with no risk of misunderstandings.

"It's always wise to raise questions about the most obvious and simple assumptions."
-- C. West Churchman

"To assume is to be deceived."
-- Yiddish proverb

MajestyJo 07-23-2017 07:31 PM


"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want."
-- Ben Stein

A Hot List is basically a to-do list with one key difference: it only includes topics or tasks that really matter to you, those that genuinely affect your quality of life. You know -- the ones you never get around to! The ones that will make your life your own!

Keep a prioritised Hot List handy to remind you to claim 5 to 15 minutes to focus on and write about what counts in your life. Even 5 minutes is better than nothing. Start small and the momentum will build.

"You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage -- pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically -- to say 'no' to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger 'yes' burning inside."
-- Stephen Covey

Access your own inner wisdom by tapping into your subconscious and intuition. Release stress, blocks and negative emotions, and spark imagination and greater vision. Go deeper....

MajestyJo 07-23-2017 07:54 PM


"When you fight something, you're tied to it forever. As long as you're fighting it, you’re giving it power."
-- Anthony de Mello

What are you fighting?

Resistance always brings pain. Examine your struggle. What does your personality want from the situation? What does your soul want? What can you learn from this?

Always strive to mend separation and achieve unity. Always choose love over fear. If you can embrace whatever you are struggling against, the struggle will disappear.

"What you resist persists. And only what you look at, and own, can disappear. You make it disappear by simply changing your mind about it."
-- Neale Donald Walsch

*** Restart building a new foundation for your life. Clear blocks and transform your life.

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