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dwmoeller 06-16-2017 08:33 AM

MajestyJo 06-17-2017 01:07 AM

Just for today, I will be willing to be willing to change my diet. It isn't about the honey buns. It isn't about the ice cream. It is about me and my eating them, knowing what is going to happen, and doing it any way. I pray that the obsessive/compulsive feelings I have be changed. I ask for what I need to be willing to be willing to stop eating them. Ironically, I realized tonight, I am not sure I like them any more. I am an addict, and my drug of choice is more.

The substance is but a symptom of my disease, the problem is me.

MajestyJo 06-18-2017 10:17 AM

Just for today, I am just going to sit back and do as little as possible, read my book, cook my chicken, and hopefully the day will flow and I will find some peace. Not sure how much I can block out my son's space movie playing in the back ground, but will try to absorb it and all that is around me, into one beat in tune with my God.

MajestyJo 06-19-2017 07:40 PM

Just for today, I will try to have patience with my computer and with myself. Some funny kind of arrow has been floating around and not sure why. Trying to be patient with me practicing patience. Being grateful to Angelwinks for giving me the cards I need each day.

MajestyJo 06-20-2017 07:52 PM

Just for today, I will go with the flow. I planned to go to the noon Tuesday meeting, I even woke up in time. Going into the shower, my left leg hurt, after I came out, the right leg started acting up. I got dressed, went to the pharmacy to hand in my docette for next week's medication and it hurt to walk. I had check the weather and it called for rain and thunder storms, so I went back home. I planned to post, started up my computer, and the next thing I knew, I was in my bed and slept for 3 hours. This was after sleeping at least 9 hours last night. Tonight it is raining and have yet to hear any thunder, but my body wants to go back to bed. I will let it go back to bed after I finish posting for today. Posting so far has meant a lot of editing, but we will get through it, a moment at a time.

MajestyJo 06-21-2017 06:04 PM

Just for today, I will forgive myself. I walked out of the house at 11 a.m. and forgot to take my morning medication, and I ate brunch and should have had my lunch medications. I get a docette so I know what I have missed. It is not good that I missed my heart and blood pressure medication and go traipsing across town on the bus to Walmart. Did some walking, but had to call our shopping off and head home as I was getting a head ache. For most of my life, one of my motto's has been, "I can't stand stupidity, especially in myself." Well I did do a dumb thing, and I know my God forgives me, I just have to quit beating up on myself.

MajestyJo 06-22-2017 04:09 PM

Just for today, I will give thanks to my God for being with me today. When I went to the hospital this morning, I was given six pages to read and put my initials and the date on each page. As I read on it warned me of what could happen if I took the test, I wasn't nervous before, but it got kind of scary as I read along. Then I told myself, this is fear and realized I had done the test before in 2011. When the started the procedure, I told them to do their darnedest. My word, better than damedest, don't you think. That is good for a girl who swore like a trooper when she came into recovery.

The procedure did give me a head ache. They put dye which was radio active into my blood stream. They gave me caffeine by intervenes to take it away. They did give me a wee cup of cranberry juice. Felt like asking for 'more' when I finished, but didn't. I wanted to connect with Darts.

They were kind enough to put in for a porter before I was finished; so one would be there when I was ready to go home. You had to travel from the back to the front of the hospital and I would have got lost for sure. They put me in the emerald green wheelchair with a wire frame, not something you want to sit on long, I assure you. My pick up time was for 11:30 am; but I had it in my mind, I needed to be there for 11:15 am. I was there about 8 minutes after 11 and Darts showed up at 11:15 am exactly.

It had started raining while I was in and out of their cylinder and on the way home it poured so hard, the windshield could hardly do it's job.

So I have so much to be grateful. They were very good to me. I knew my God was with me because the fear left, faith appeared. I was given the message to be on time for Darts. Can't do much better than that, except for the sleep I had when I got home.

MajestyJo 06-23-2017 01:25 AM

Just for today, I will put more gratitude into my attitude. I have had good days, so I shouldn't grumble about some rough nights. Perhaps if I had gone to bed earlier when I got off my computer instead of picking up my book, I wouldn't have swollen feet and pain.

Not sure if the head ache is from the dye this morning or some energy that I am picking up. Either way, I will ask for the healing and hopefully it will go.

MajestyJo 06-24-2017 01:09 PM

Just for Today, I will practice patience and tolerance. So far not doing to good at it, I bought my son a pack of smokes because his cigarette guy wasn't available yesterday. He is like a bear and it is not good to be around him when he doesn't have one, let alone try to do something with him. I did it for my own peace of mind and serenity. I remember what it was like when I smoked.

Someone this morning said, "It is a beautiful morning." I said, "Yes it is. Any day the sun shines, it is a beautiful day.

MajestyJo 06-25-2017 04:56 PM

Just for today, I will not beat myself up. As they say, if you slept, you must have needed it. I closed show here about 1:40 pm and went straight to my bed. I thought I looked at the clock at 3:05 pm but when I rolled myself out of bed, it said 4:31 pm. I have dishes to do and dinner to prepare and here it is almost 5 pm.. Can't believe I slept that long as I went to bed this morning at 4:30 am and woke up at 12:30 pm. I have been a real sleepy head as my aunt use to say. I guess my body is trying to catch up on all the nights I didn't sleep.

MajestyJo 06-26-2017 07:49 PM

Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I have a son who is in active addiction and it is difficult to detach from him and not open my mouth to give him some good orderly direction. I have to remember I am not his HP, who he doesn't believe in anyway.

MajestyJo 06-27-2017 11:04 PM

Just for today, I will put aside my ego. I will be open to the teaching of the program and not think that I know it all. This is a one day at a time program, it is a journey, not a destination.

MajestyJo 06-28-2017 07:59 PM

Just for today, I will take a time out and have a spiritual retreat. I will get in touch with my Creator and be open to His beautiful creations. That includes my brothers and sisters in this program and friend we have outside of the program. This is a "We" program, without you, there is no me.

MajestyJo 06-29-2017 08:07 PM

Just for today, I will pray and ask for patience, even though I know that I will get thinks to tolerate to practice on. Practice makes perfect they say. I don't know, I have been practicing for 25 years and I still don't always get it right. So glad this program is one day at a time.

MajestyJo 06-30-2017 05:16 PM

Just for today, I am trying to accept what is in the moment. I went for an adjustment at my chiropractor's and he was happy with the results. Me, I have a sore neck. Mind you it was sore before I saw him, so can't blame him, just hoping that the pain will pass. It doesn't stop me from typing and that is good. I have been having a lot of errors lately.

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