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dwmoeller 03-03-2016 08:24 AM

L is for Let

Let go and Let God!

dwmoeller 03-04-2016 11:01 AM

M is for Maintain

Maintain a balance: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental

MajestyJo 03-04-2016 08:34 PM

N is for Nothing. Nothing must stand between my and my God. It becomes my new drug of choice and my 'god' of the day.

dwmoeller 03-16-2016 09:11 AM

O is for Open your heart and your mind.

MajestyJo 03-16-2016 02:24 PM

P is for Promises. The 12 Promises of AA work. They kept me coming back. They gave me hope. When I practiced the program, they made a difference in my life and gave me hope for a better tomorrow one day at a time.

dwmoeller 03-17-2016 08:41 AM

Q is for Quit trying to complicate things---keep it simple.

MajestyJo 03-17-2016 07:53 PM

R is for R & R. Relax and Restoration. Allow yourself time to heal. Ask for what you need, take away what you don't need, and you will be surprised how much your God can do for you. We didn't get this way overnight, so we can't expect a quick fix or even a "I did so now I don't have to do any more." This is a one day at a time program.

MajestyJo 03-18-2016 06:27 AM

S is for Steps. Work the Steps into your life, one day at a time. It is a living program. Put one foot in front of the other, and take the Steps. Apply the spiritual principles of each step to take you to where you need to be in today.

MajestyJo 03-20-2016 11:08 PM

T is for the slogan Think, Think, Think. Don't think too much of the past, unless it raises it's head in today. Think in today. One day's thoughts, actions, trials and tribulations, smiles and blessing. Think of the future. Think of what your goal is, don't set it too high, make sure it is attainable. Don't project into the future. Don't compare today and tomorrow to yesterday, because it is gone. We have God on our side who will see us through.

dwmoeller 03-21-2016 09:41 AM

U is for Use

Use prayer and meditation.
Use the Serenity Prayer.
Use the 12 steps in all areas of your life.

MajestyJo 03-21-2016 10:51 AM

V is for Very. You will be doing yourself a very big favour if you make the decision to quit using people, places, and things. I was granted victory over my addiction by going to meetings and getting phone numbers and support from various people I met there.

MajestyJo 03-22-2016 10:45 PM

W is for Welcome. Everyone is welcome. I went to AA because I was in denial about my alcoholism. I went there for almost 2 years not believing the words I said, "Hi, my name is JoAnne, and I am an alcoholic." I would feel guilty and I would say, "Alcoholic/Addict." I knew I was an addict. By going to meetings eventually the mind caught up with the body, and I knew that I was an alcoholic. I used alcohol like I used people, places, and things in my life. Alcohol was one of those things.

They made me welcome by saying, "Keep coming back." I came to believe, "Keep coming so you don't have to come back."

dwmoeller 03-23-2016 09:34 AM

X is for eXtraordinary

The gifts and blessings that come with a life of sobriety are truly extraordinary.

MajestyJo 03-27-2016 12:46 PM

Y is for Yes. Say "Yes" to the goodness in your life, you deserve it. Don't say "Yes," when you mean "No." Yes there is a solution. The one that worked for me were the 12 Steps of AA.

dwmoeller 03-28-2016 09:19 AM

Z is for get plenty of ZZZZ's

Getting a good night of sleep is important in recovery. Remember HALT: don't be too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, TIRED,

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