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MajestyJo 09-10-2014 06:24 PM

Grateful for another day, even though I spent most of it in bed or on the computer.
Grateful that the rain was delayed and didn't come until after my son finished work.
Grateful that I finally remembered to put my leftover casserole in the oven at 6 p.m. as I put the oven on at 4. :(
Grateful not much is on TV tonight, hope to finish my book.
Grateful that my feet aren't swollen and hopefully they will stay that way if I don't stay on the computer too long. Not so grateful that my hands are swollen. Usually wear my Amethyst ring on my left hand and had to put it on my pinky of my right. Healing qualities; all psychic abilities, detox, tension, shamanic journeying, problem solving, protection, connects to spiritual healing, headaches, pain, lungs, intestines, pancreas, liver, thymus, immune system, infectious diseases, HIV, AIDS, eyes)
Grateful that more minor tennis tournaments coming up, so need to get some reading caught up. Curling will be starting up.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-12-2014 11:48 PM

Grateful for another day, a day which kept me near to God.
Grateful that I didn't have to go to the hospital.
Grateful that I didn't have to make the decision to go, I am not sure I would have made the decision to go there. There is a lot of drunken celebrations going on this weekend, which generally spills over into the hospitals, and I had no desire to get their celebrations second hand.
Grateful to get service from the professionals that I had to contact today.
Grateful that I got a few bargains.
Grateful that I listened when I was lead.
Grateful I had the spiritual experience of going on this Club Car in was all a very spiritual experience for me. No motor, my favourite colour, and a hug from a teenager, who didn't know me, but was willing to give me a hug when I asked. Here eyes shone, her faces beamed, a big smile, and a glorious hug with lots of positive energy, couldn't beat it!
Grateful for my God's Gifts and even more grateful for the fact that I noticed them. Like the bushes and flowers in the gardens on my 3 block walk home from the bus stop.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.

Our Affirmation for today:

MajestyJo 09-13-2014 11:33 PM

Grateful I made it through another day although it was touch and go, thought I was going to have to break down and go to the hospital.
Grateful my friend was home when I called her.
Grateful that I got my shopping and banking done.
Grateful for my Freshly Squeezed Juice, which I am just finishing up now.
Grateful for my dinner, 3 chicken wings and a small salad of kale, cranberries, some seeds of some kind, and a side fruit salad, can't remember what. Small enough for my son to shake his head when he dropped in after work. He has to work again tomorrow.
Grateful that I could finish the posting, couldn't sleep, was too restless and I think I would be safe to say hyperventilating, so it is always good to get outof self and post on the site. I find goodies and share them with you or see things which trigger my thought and we are both surprised at the outcome. :)
Grateful I was able to turn the TV off tonight and just put on easy listening music on with no words, to help relax and soothe my soul.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-15-2014 02:05 PM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful I got a good sleep.
Grateful that that I have an appointment at the Holistic Center this afternoon.
Grateful that my blood pressure reading was 141, and thought, the new medication is working. Not so grateful that the next reading was 167/67. I stopped there, didn't want to know any more. Today it was 205, 192, 175, with diagnostic under 80, so didn't go to the hospital.
Grateful it hasn't rained yet, hoping and praying it doesn't happen until I get home.
Grateful that I have another hour to post.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-16-2014 07:49 PM

Grateful for another day, even though I had to start it again.
Grateful that even though I have had to take breaks, I am almost finished posting.
Grateful that my blood pressure has been in the low 140s to mid 150s, much better than yesterday's 205.
Grateful that is a one day at a time, sometimes, one moment at a time kind of day.
Grateful my son didn't have to work, he cleaned the kitchen. He made potato and macaroni salad, plus hamburger and macaroni with tomato pasta sauce. I had left over chicken and potato salad with tomato slices. Thank you God for this food.
Grateful that I listened to my body and didn't do laundry.
Grateful that my friend called, but wasn't well enough to talk to her for very long.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-17-2014 09:02 PM

Grateful for another day, even though I slept most of it away.
Grateful that I felt better when I finally got up the last time about 5 p.m. after getting up and going back to bed.
Grateful that my blood pressure went down from 178, I was surprised it was that high after a day of rest. I was going to do laundry, but will wait another day.
Grateful that I bought Fern tarts, haven't had them for years. I use to buy them for my lunch when I was a teenager. They seemed to taste a little better than they did back then, but it might be my memory. The only problem was, they made me feel like more. Grateful that I don't have listen to that voice in today.
Grateful that the final of America's Got Talent Final is on. I only watch it when it is the quarter finals, and all the weird talents are weeded out. I don't like abusive acts that could hurt themselves or others.
Grateful I hit a couple of sales, Garnier anti-wrinkle cream, with all the pain, little wrinkles have begun to show, so figure I should get them before they decide to take over my face. Got my Voltaren for $9.99 instead of any where from $15-$25. so that made my day. It always seemed like those special sales and bargains only happened when I had no money and I would always whine and complain about it. So grateful I don't have to there any more, and don't have to add some wine to the whine.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-19-2014 12:07 AM

Grateful for another day that seemed like a day and a half.
Grateful that I got all my posting done, at least I think I did.
Grateful that I got some more laundry done.
Grateful that I was able to follow thought with action by catching the bus downtown. I looked at the time and I got one that takes me right to the door of the market and the library is right next door.
Grateful I got a Freshly Squeezed today and for the first time, I bought a medium. I heard the word, so complied. Today was strawberry, cranberry, and pomegranate.
Grateful that I did the same thing with the corn on the cob, I only had one. It too turns to sugar.
Grateful I got what I need at the bank. So grateful when things fall in place, especially, when I forgot to do something or misplaced something, and have to go looking to find it.
So grateful that my God is very good to me.
Grateful that I didn't lose my post, this is the second time, I hit something that took me back three windows, to where I posted Beautiful America. Whew!
Grateful that my tremon disorder still allows me to type.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-20-2014 01:25 PM

Grateful for another day. Still trying to get mobile.
Grateful yesterday is over and we made it through it. It is one of those day you don't want to repeat if need be.
Grateful that my pharmacy is downstairs, I can go there without going outside, take my blood pressure, and make my decisions about downtown from there. I have lots to do, but not feeling the energy to do it. Something I need to pray more on.
Grateful that my TV is fixed and don't have to have a repairman come out and look at it.
Grateful that I just checked the weather it is 24 degs. C that is 76 deg. F, after the cold we have, that is balmy. Must be Indian Summer, just the inspiration I need to get out of here.
Grateful there is snow in norther Ontario and hasn't got here yet, although we are suppose to get some weird weather later.
Grateful for all walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-21-2014 02:33 AM

Grateful for a start of a new day.
Grateful that I got through yesterday.
Grateful I got downtown.
Grateful my shower washed away all the bug-a-boos that I was letting holding me down.
Grateful that my blood pressure was only 153, even though it was 177 when I came home.
Grateful I got to the bank, the $1. store, the library, the market, and the grocery store.
Grateful I listed to the still voice inside that said to take the bus downtown and back.
Grateful I didn't listen to myself because my pain said bed. I posted, read some of my book, got the TV fixed and watched some Teen Challenge on the Cooking Channel and some tennis and got my music back. I missed my music most of all.
Grateful my son had eaten before I got home and had made brownies. I had enough energy to make chocolate icing. :) I had a roast beef and tomato sandwich. So glad I didn't have to cook the chops will keep until dinner today.
Grateful it is bed time, I am more than ready for it.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.
So grateful for old posts that I can go back to and get food for my soul:

Hour To Hour - Book - Quote

The most important thing to know about Step Three, turning our will over to a Higher Power, is that all we can do is DECIDE to do it. There is no 'will' we can wrap and send. Once we make the decision to do this, our Higher Power will work for us through the rest of the Steps.

I decide to align my will with that of the Source of my Spirit.
This is an angel that changes every day.

MajestyJo 09-23-2014 03:09 AM

Grateful that the day ended and surprised that I am still awake for this one.
Grateful that I got most of my posts done for today, affirmations and meditations aren't available until later.
Grateful that the sleepy time hit me at midnight but here I am 3 hours later ready to go to my bed. I only had 4 hours sleep yesterday. I am listening to some good country classics on, so don't want to turn it off.
Grateful that my blood pressure went down from 190 to 150, so that was a relief.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.
Grateful that I am tired enough to sleep, hope I can catch up tonight. May end up counting sheep.

MajestyJo 09-25-2014 12:00 AM

Grateful the day I started typing this in is over and a new day has begun.
Wasn't too sure I could finish my posts. I know my blood pressure is sky high.
Grateful that I got to connect with a longtime friend tonight. We are meeting for coffee tomorrow.
Grateful if all things turn out, I will get to see my other friend too as planned.
Grateful that the chair for my shower and the rail for my bed arrived tonight. A pleasant surprise as I will be out tomorrow and Friday.
Not sure how much posting I will get done between now and Sunday because of the Autumn Leaf Round Up. The other option will me being in the hospital if this blood pressure keeps going up and the chest pains increase.
Grateful that my God is near, have had to stop and connect with Him many times today.
Grateful that butter was for sale today for $3.99. Praying it stays at that price until I get paid on Friday.
Grateful that my cheque comes in three banking days before the end of the month. I can pretty myself up and get my hair cut for the convention. ;)
Grateful for the sunshine we have been having. I sat at the bus stop today waiting for my bus to come instead of walking home.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-25-2014 11:27 PM

Grateful for a full day, and there is less than an hour left in it.
Grateful that I was able to connect with my friend T. We went through treatment together and we shard a house together in our second year of recovery.
Grateful that I took my Notebook to the library, even though it kept disconnecting me. I did learn a few things. Met a lady I haven't seen for several years there. Met her in CA, it is always good to connect with one who has made it, in place of one who is coming back. Though we are glad to see those who make it back. We had a wee chat and she just celebrated 16 years. She started a group with her ex-husband. I started my group in the building she lived in, so a good connection.
Grateful I finally got most of the posting done. I have been falling asleep at the computer. I came back from doing 3 loads of laundry, happy that I made it back to watch Jeopardy. I fell asleep during the commercial, missed the final Jeopardy question and answer. I was not a happy camper.
Grateful I have a spiritual music station so I could sooth my soul because my thoughts were a little bit lacking. It was a good thing I was too tired to act on them. I didn't go to bed, trying to sleep instead of staying up to post, and not miss the convention.
Grateful I got 3 loads done, have much more to do, high blood pressure or not. Also have to be awake to make myself beautiful and will have to turn my money over to the Lord so I won't spend too much.
Grateful the blood pressure went down to 155 from 179 today.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-27-2014 12:59 AM

Grateful for the end of a day and a start of a new one.
Grateful that I was able to make the decision to rest and save my energy to put into today and make it a special today today. After I do the NA reading, I am going to my bed.
Grateful my God saw me through the day, as I had to work through a lot of pain, yet there were a lot of blessings.
Went to the library, was surprised to find myself there until I saw a guy I knew who use to go to our group. I did end up getting a book.
Grateful my blood pressure was normal tonight. 132 is much better than 205.
Picked up two bottles of Vitamin Compounds that were suggest to me by the guys in the Holistic Center that lightened my wallet by $35. In their flyer, I saw Silicea and I remember taking it before for my skin and hair, my hair has been falling out, and my nails get dry, so going to go back and buy me some. All part of making me beautiful today.
Grateful that butter was still on sale for $3.97 a lb. so bought 4. If I get back in time tomorrow, and the sale is still on, will buy some more.
Grateful a lot of the pain has gone, and my meds seem to have worked so hoping to go to sleep. Want to be and the Autumn Leaf Round Up by 9 a.m. and catch the opening speaker.
Grateful I got a new new top, goes great with my jacket. Air conditioning bothers me, so I need that extra protection.
Grateful that I am going, I will set my clock so I can give my body time to get mobile. I would like to stay for the banquet but can't justify the cost.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 09-28-2014 10:53 PM

Grateful that it is a new day, and didn't have to many repercussions after my busy day yesterday at the Autumn Leaf RoundUp, our AA Convention yearly event. I only got 5 hours of it, but that was good for me.
Grateful that I was able to walk downtown, even though I had to bus it back. Grateful I found a few bargains, but the hip gave out, so couldn't finish my shopping.
Grateful I made it to the library and found a book, even though I didn't need it, for some reason, it called me there. When Shadows Fall by J. T. Elllison, who I don't think I have read before.
Grateful that I still have my dinner left to eat, wasn't that hungry before, my system was out of whack. Had my lunch at 5 p.m. Will have my dinner before tennis comes on at 10 p.m.
Grateful that my God is very good to me.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 10-01-2014 01:58 AM

Grateful for a new day, which means a new month.
Grateful September is over, but as you know, I am grateful every day, just some days, I don't always get here to express it.
Grateful for every day that I wake up to sunshine.
Grateful to wake up to any day that I am breathing, even if it hurts to do so, and my body protests about getting up and participating in the day. ;) That is it's problem, not mine. It has to get with the program.
Grateful that I got to go to the Holistic Center. That is always an extra blessing, especially when Bill is there. Even if he agreed that I was a blockhead.
Grateful that I got some groceries today. Not so grateful that I am sitting here hungry.
Grateful that tennis is on. Grateful that Raonic is playing, our Canadian champion is playing tonight, if I can stay awake long enough to watch.
Grateful I got some pain relief, but moving very slowly.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

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