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bluidkiti 12-01-2013 08:22 AM

Thought For Today - December
Energy Expenditure

Energy, like money, has to be regained after you’ve spent it, or you end up going into a deficit. When there’s a deficit, check your energy expenditure and make space to recover your energy. Maybe, you can avoid getting into an energy deficit and strive towards staying energized, consistently.

bluidkiti 12-02-2013 08:07 AM

Calm Your Christmas

It's that wonderful time of the year, when we start to feel a little tired, a little stressed, as we get caught up in the Christmas rush!

Calm your Christmas & make it easy with these 3 tips:
1. Plan well (be realistic) & just do it. Avoid over-thinking what needs to get done.
2. Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, keep hydrated & get enough sleep.
3. Above all, enjoy what you do.

bluidkiti 12-03-2013 07:46 AM

Trust Your Life

No matter how it may seem, can you trust life? Trust that life knows your potential & it wants to nurture you. Start trusting life more & you'll recognize that everything that happens, happens for your growth.

bluidkiti 12-04-2013 07:28 AM

Conversation Battles

When someone brings their opinions to a conversation, armed and ready for battle, it's easy to react or get defensive.

How about taking a moment to:
1) Think through how you can disarm the other person and voice your opinions
2) Decide if you want to continue with the conversation, redirect it or resume it at
a later time.

Remember, you don't have to engage in the conversation. You can always make a graceful exit from the conversation!

bluidkiti 12-05-2013 07:36 AM

Good Perfectionism?

Perfectionism can be a good thing but too much of perfectionism is not. So when your perfectionism shows up, use it in a good way.

Put in a good effort without fussing or tweaking things too much. Relax your high standards without becoming slack. And do your best without putting unnecessary pressure on yourself and others.

bluidkiti 12-06-2013 07:21 AM

Boost Your Feelings

When we're feeling down, we get caught up in a cycle of negativity. To break the cycle, take baby steps to boost your spirits. Read something uplifting, watch something funny, call a friend, or just do something you enjoy.

When you feel better, make time to understand why you felt the way you did in the first place and how to boost your feelings regularly.

bluidkiti 12-07-2013 06:45 AM

Keep Up With Time

Time flies, right? To keep up with the speed of time, make the most of each minute. To catch the spirit of the time, let your thoughts be filled with light. Be purposeful in every action and you might just discover that you have all the time in the world!

bluidkiti 12-08-2013 07:46 AM

Traveling Companions

On the journey of life, we find many traveling companions. Some are like-minded, others’ are incompatible. Some encourage us to travel further; others’ may hold us back. Some stay with us until their own journey steers them on a different course, and then we say goodbye! Today, take a moment to appreciate your traveling companions.

bluidkiti 12-09-2013 06:54 AM

Treasure Your Time

Time is such a treasure yet so easy to waste. Why not make it difficult to waste time. Think: every second is as valuable as a diamond. Value time and you'll easily make smart choices about how and where to spend your time.

bluidkiti 12-10-2013 05:11 AM

Renovate your Inner Space

Just as you renovate your living space, make time to renovate and invigorate your inner space!

Determine what needs refurbishing and construct a plan. Decide if you're going to do it yourself or get help.

'Close for renovation' for a few hours or even a few days, and fix your habits, redecorate your mood, remodel your attitude.....

bluidkiti 12-11-2013 05:40 AM

Angels at Work

Angels are not just found on top of the Christmas tree. They can be found amongst us too. They eat, talk and go to work like the rest of us, yet their every move elevates hearts and minds. And they always seem to appear, right on cue, providing comfort and protection.

Maybe you can do the work of an angel today!

bluidkiti 12-12-2013 07:07 AM

Morning Energy Boost

Mornings are an ideal time for solitude and contemplation. Not only do you create a feel-good feeling but you also create a reservoir of energy that you can draw on throughout the day.

So when you need an extra boost during the day, rather than reach for coffee or chocolate, you can slip into your reservoir of energy and refresh yourself.

bluidkiti 12-13-2013 06:42 AM

Windows to the Soul

The eyes are the windows to the soul. Anything you keep within you is automatically revealed through your eyes. So what are you revealing through your eyes?

Choose to pick up or generate positive things and you'll maintain peace, love and joy. Then, this is what you'll share through your eyes.

bluidkiti 12-14-2013 05:25 AM

Spark Ideas

Often we assume that good ideas just happen. Or we try to generate ideas in a formal environment. Sometimes changing the setting can get our creative juices flowing. Instead of holding a meeting in a conference room or the office, go to a coffee shop. Sometimes retreating to the visual world of art can open the mind and spark new ideas. Visit a gallery or a museum and immerse yourself in the colors, textures and impressions.

bluidkiti 12-15-2013 06:51 AM

When Angry with Someone

When you're angry with someone, rather than letting your anger expand to everything they've ever done or failed to do, take a moment to look at the bigger picture and NOT just the small details. Understand it's YOU who is creating the anger, not someone else. So, get clear about why you're feeling angry. Remind yourself: anger is temporary but the relationship with the person you're angry with is permanent. Try to break out of anger safely. Curb your anger by taking slow deep breaths - sometimes this is all it takes to 'cool off.'

bluidkiti 12-16-2013 06:25 AM

A Pantomime Mindset

"I can't!" Believe you can't and you most likely won't! Instead, get into a pantomime mindset and face your doubts with amusement and fun.

So every time you hear "Oh No, You Can't!" say to yourself "Oh Yes, I Can!"
Believe you can and you most likely will!

bluidkiti 12-17-2013 06:50 AM

Success to Significance

How do you measure success? By numbers? By how many people attended your event, how many followers you have on Twitter....?

Does success equal achievement? Is it the process or the result; the journey or the destination; quality or quantity?

Clarify your measure of success and add significance to your life.

bluidkiti 12-18-2013 06:37 AM

I want....

I want, I want, I want. Recognize your "I want..." thoughts and the number of times you give in to greed. Acknowledge the number of times you look away from greed and carry on.

Try to contain your greed and life might be much simpler, free from greed!

bluidkiti 12-19-2013 06:23 AM

The Way Out of Confusion

Feeling confused? Let it be! As you go about your day, your confusion may automatically start resolving itself.

If that doesn't work, then write down all the jumbled up thoughts. As you write, you might find your way out of confusion into clarity.

bluidkiti 12-20-2013 08:32 AM

Gift of Acceptance

Think about your nearest and dearest and the way you react to them. Are you accepting of others? Accepting of all their flaws and quirks? This festive season, give the gift of acceptance.

Accept others unconditionally and you give them the gift to be themselves, and accept themselves as they are. Accept, and your relationship with them will improve as a result.

bluidkiti 12-21-2013 07:39 AM

Look for the Silver Lining

Seek to ‘see’ the benefit in all events. That’s not to say, ignore the downside. See the ‘reality’ but, at the same time, deliberately look for the upside. Find that silver lining. Look for the lesson. Realize, nothing happens TO us but everything happens FOR us. Shift, “Why is this happening TO me?” to “What is the lesson here FOR me?”

bluidkiti 12-22-2013 07:51 AM

Like a Snowflake

Just like snowflakes, each one of us is unique and distinct. Like the snowflake, we too are shaped by our own particular journey, which gives us a unique identity. Celebrate your uniqueness and individuality. But remember, you are unique, just like everyone else! And, no snowflake is better than another! That means no arrogance, no competition and no comparison!

bluidkiti 12-23-2013 06:57 AM

Focus on What, Not How

When things get tough, focus NOT on “How?” but on “What?” you need to do – and just do it.

Feel that nothing is difficult and nothing will be difficult.

Simplify your thinking, hold onto self trust and look for alternative possibilities and solutions.

bluidkiti 12-24-2013 07:35 AM

Meet and Greet

The festive season gives us opportunities to meet up with many more people.

If you find that you have negative feelings towards certain people, than take a moment to transform your feelings. Follow your spontaneous instinct to give. The heart gives and is full of grace. So, don't just limit your good feelings to just one or two people. With an open heart, greet everyone with sincerity and love. Make your heart big and silently give good wishes to everyone you meet.

bluidkiti 12-25-2013 06:54 AM

Stay Relaxed this Christmas

Minimize stress by simply being organized.

See if you can delegate or even reduce your to-do list; sharing cooking tasks with other members of the family or friends, to save time!

Tackle all the partying and festive dinners with exercise and fresh air.

Alternate the indulgent days with healthy eating and drink plenty of water.

Do give yourself a dose of ‘Me’ Time to re-charge your batteries.

And remember what it’s all really about. So, go on, celebrate and enjoy! Here’s wishing you a very relaxed Christmas!

bluidkiti 12-26-2013 07:36 AM

Bird in Flight

Like a bird in flight, your purpose in life is to soar high above the world; to steer a course with the wind and enjoy the freedom of flight. You have the capacity to fly in harmony with the flock and experience the joyous solitude of your own company. Just have faith in yourself, have faith in life, let go and fly.

bluidkiti 12-27-2013 08:26 AM

A Little Less Complaining

Would you like to stop the habit of complaining? Well, if not immediately, then at least start by complaining less! Then work on re-phrasing your thoughts, transforming a complaint into a solution and finding possible steps to fix the problem. Positively re-phrasing your complaints will make situations a little easier, more enjoyable and create a positive culture.

bluidkiti 12-28-2013 06:43 AM

Energy for Earth

Like everything, the earth responds to our energy. So, it’s important to supply the earth with the energy of gratitude and loving kindness. Take time out to share pure, positive thoughts and feelings for nature - air, fire, water, ether and the earth.

bluidkiti 12-29-2013 07:25 AM

Smile Happy

A natural smile works like magic and removes the sorrow of others. So, continue to make yourself happy and give happiness to others.

bluidkiti 12-30-2013 08:25 AM

Forward Thinking

As the new year approaches, it’s almost impossible not to think ahead in some way. Our thoughts will certainly influence how the year will unfold; after all, our thoughts are the starting point of all that we create. The quality of our thinking today shapes the quality of our life tomorrow. What are your thoughts about the future?

bluidkiti 12-31-2013 09:53 AM

Snapshots from 2013

Let's reflect on 2013 and pick out 2 snapshots - meaningful moments from this year.

Snapshot No. 1: Think of a personal failure. What was your underlying behaviour or attitude at that time?

Snapshot No. 2: Think of a personal achievement. What factors contributed to the success?

What lessons can you learn from these 2 snapshots to carry into the future?

Take a moment to feel that 2013 was worth it and 2014 will definitely be worth exploring!

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