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bluidkiti 12-14-2016 06:17 AM

God at work in our lives
Luke 1:35 The angel answered, 'The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.'

- The whole story of Christmas is one filled with wonder and miracles.
- Every aspect of the story reminds us that it was God at work in the lives of the human race.
- The greatest wonder is what actually happened and that we celebrate it today.
- We remember Him being born into the world, BUT He needs to be born in us as well!

PRAYER: Lord, today I surrender my heart and life to You. May I not just look at Christmas as a historical fact, but may I know what it means that You have been born within me and I am Your child. Amen.

Kind Regards
Pastor Andrew & Vanessa Roebert

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