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bluidkiti 12-29-2016 09:40 AM

Guided by divine wisdom
I am guided by divine wisdom.

Whether I’m aware of it or not, I already have the answers to any uncertainties—God, my source for all things. If I have questions or am seeking guidance, I envison and pray for the highest and best in myself. I live in God’s love and peace just as Jesus did when he fulfilled his full Christ potential.

God guides me at all times and in all ways. When I turn within and listen to the still, small voice, I am listening to the wisdom of God.

I am centered and certain when I accept this inner knowledge. With gratitude, I give thanks for God’s wisdom. With faith, I follow that guidance to make productive and love-filled decisions.

I am guided by divine wisdom.

For wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.—Proverbs 2:10

Daily Word

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