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bluidkiti 12-31-2016 07:40 AM

Above All Else

Many of us have hit hard times at some point in our lives. We have had issues with our health. We have had trouble with our finances. We have had problems in our relationships. During those hard times, we may have thought we had hit rock bottom. However, when those things happen, God is actually giving us a gift. He is allowing us to see we are merely human and He is in control. He is offering us wisdom, mercy and grace to turn from our pride, our selfishness and our fear of what is happening in our lives and accept Him as Lord so we don't have to worry about being in control. When we humble ourselves and seek Him in all things, He will give us all we need.

Matthew 6:33 "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." (NLT)

1. Write about a time you were struggling.
2. List the things you did to try and make it right.
3. Know God is all you need in times of trouble.
4. Trust in Him and thank Him for all He does.

Dear Lord, we need You. We need You when we are going through hard times. We need You when we have hit rock bottom. We need You when things are going right as well. There is not a moment of the day when we don't need You yet we continue to go through life without calling on You until we are in trouble. Remind us every day we can seek You and You will give us all we need. Remind us every day all we have accomplished is really from You. And we thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

When we humble ourselves before God and seek His help, we will realize how much we truly need Him.

When we seek God, we will find Him. That is His promise to us.

Without God, we can do nothing.

God gives us so much. Even when we think we are going downhill, He is there to give us His hand to help us back up.

All we have ever accomplished is really from God. So it just makes sense to stay focused on Him for help in all areas of our lives.

Isaiah 26:12 "LORD, you will grant us peace; all we have accomplished is really from you." (NLT)

We should seek God in all we do today and every day and He will help. He wants to help.

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