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bluidkiti 12-06-2017 09:09 AM

It’s time!
“It’s time!” by Lakisha J

Don’t go searching for the past! If it was meant, it would be your present. And you know good and well what I mean. Quit searching social media, stop reading old texts, erase those old emails, delete the phone numbers and move on. Stop with the stalking of their pages and throw out those old pictures. Beloved, it’s time you move on. See, your identity has been tied to your past for so long that you don’t feel comfortable without it but it’s time. It’s time the real you stood up. You are no longer the abused woman, you left that relationship years or even months ago. You are no longer the spouse that was cheated on, that part of your life ended with the divorce/separation. You are no longer the spouse that cheated, that should have ended with the divorce/separation. You are not the victim anymore that ended when God allowed you to walk out victoriously with your mind. You aren’t the person who lost your stuff to repossession/foreclosure because God gave you everything back including your mind.

This is why, it’s time! Time you come out of the past. Time you throw out the excuses of what you can’t do because of what you couldn’t do before. Try again. It’s time. Time you let go and move on. It’s time. Time you release it. Because the truth of the matter is, you’re tired but you don’t know how it’ll feel to be a new you. Yea, you know it’s time but you’ll afraid you’ll like it. You know it’s time but you don’t know how ‘they’ will accept this new you. Well, either they do or they don’t. But it’s time. Time you stop answering when the past feels like showing up. It’s time! Time you stop letting the past get comfortable in your present. It’s time! Time you put the past out! It’s time. Time for the new you to shine. Time for you to come out of the shadows and take your rightful place. It’s time. Time you took what’s justifiably yours! It’s time. Time you took what you’ve already paid for through blood, sweat and tears. It’s time!

I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.” — Isaiah 44:22

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