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bluidkiti 06-04-2018 07:50 AM

It Doesn’t Take Much
It Doesn’t Take Much by Joyce Meyer

One of the many reasons I love God's Word is that it is full of little things we can do to bless, encourage, and strengthen one another—things that don't take much time or cost much money. Here are some of the acts of kindness the Bible says we can and should do for one another:

Watch over one another
Pray for one another
Look for kindnesses we can express to others
Be friendly and hospitable
Be patient with one another
Bear with others' faults and weaknesses
Give others the benefit of the doubt
Encourage one another
Be loyal to one another
Be happy for people when they are blessed
Keep people's secrets and don't tell their faults
Believe the best of one another

The ideas listed here are relatively simple things we all can do if we are willing. We don't have to make special plans for most of them, but can do them throughout the day as we have opportunities.

prayer starter: Father, help me to truly love other people today—with my thoughts, attitudes and actions. allow others to see Your love and kindness through me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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