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bluidkiti 12-14-2018 07:29 AM

Follow Jesus
Follow Jesus

All who keep His commandments [who obey His orders and follow His plan, live and continue to live, to stay and] abide in Him, and He in them. [They let Christ be a home to them and they are the home of Christ.]
—1 John 3:24

Some people wanted to follow Jesus, but they were afraid they would be put out of the synagogue (See John 12:42). Some people are still afraid to follow the Lord because they might be put out of their family, their group, or even their church.

Eventually there will only be one Person to face—God. You won’t want Him to say, “I had so much for you, but you didn’t receive it because you were too concerned about what people thought; you were a people-pleaser.” Jesus wasn’t swayed by men’s opinions, threats, judgments, or criticisms. Follow Jesus, and enjoy life.

From the book Starting Your Day Right

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