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bluidkiti 09-30-2019 08:45 AM

When Christ speaks, it is like nothing else
Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12

"In these last days, he has spoken to us by a Son." In many and various ways, God has spoken to us over the millennia. God spoke to us in the garden, face to face. God spoke to us through the words of the prophets who called us to turn around. God speaks in wilderness and promised land, in parted sea and the call of justice to roll down like water. Likely you have heard God speak in your life, over and over again. But has there been for you a moment when you were at your last day, the end of your ability to cope? Were you sinking beneath the waves when you felt the reaching hand of the savior? When Christ speaks, it is like nothing else. When Christ speaks it is shocking grace. It is the stuff of empty tombs and expanding hope. May today be such a day for you.

Faithful Lord, reach out your hand and take mine. Lift me from my knees into your grace. You alone can save. You alone, always do. Amen.

Laura Ziehl

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