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bluidkiti 02-23-2020 04:29 AM

The Lord Himself is with you
Ezra 7:28 'I took courage (I was strengthened), for the hand of the LORD my God was on me.'

- When we know that the Lord is with us, we can be strong and courageous.
- The same hands that hold the whole world can rest on you and me.
- His hand is there to hold you, to guide you and to empower you.
- Take courage, be strengthened from within, for the Lord Himself is with you!

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that I am safe and secure in Your hands and no one can pluck me out of Your hands. May Your hand rest upon me and may my walk be strengthened with this knowledge. Amen.

Kind Regards
Pastor Andrew & Vanessa Roebert

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