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bluidkiti 03-14-2021 06:33 AM

Mercy or Judgment?
Mercy or Judgment? Author Unknown

Read Matthew 18:21-35

In the same way you judge others, you will be judged. -Matthew 7:2 (NIV)

THE service at the restaurant had been poor. We had waited too long for the server, our food, and our bill. What had started as a nice dinner had become an irritation.

As we waited, we angrily discussed how to show our displeasure by "punishing" our server with a poor tip. However, when the check arrived and it was my chance to show my displeasure, the word mercy came to my mind. Suddenly, I felt ashamed for my harsh attitude. I did not know the story behind the delays, yet I was condemning her.

Jesus told us not to judge others because we will be judged by the same standards we use in judging others. Instead of treating us as we deserve, Jesus has shown us mercy by forgiving us. He told the story of a slave who was forgiven a great debt but who was rebuked when he refused to forgive someone indebted to him.

We all know people who have offended us, made us angry, or let us down. We can choose to treat them harshly and punitively, or we can choose to show mercy and forgiveness - the way of Jesus.

Marilyn Lyttle (Florida, USA)
Father, forgive us for judging others. Help us to show mercy as you have shown mercy to us. Amen.

Thought for the Day
Judging is wrong but easy; forgiving is right but hard.

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