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bluidkiti 06-02-2021 06:01 AM

Hurried Decisions

There are times in our lives when we are hurried. We may want things right away or we may be pressured to make a quick decision. Most of the time quick decisions are not good. Many times God wants us to wait before making decisions. He wants us to know His will. He wants us to calm our minds and allow Him to speak to us so we make right decisions. Let’s be sure we are not too anxious to make decisions today and allow time for God to help us make right decisions rather than hurried ones.

Psalm 139:23 “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” (NLT)

1. Write about what quick decisions you have made lately.
2. List the thing you do before making decisions.
3. Know sometimes it is okay to wait before deciding.
4. Pray and be sure you are making decisions for the right reasons.

Dear Lord, we pray You will help us to make right decisions. We pray You will show us what we need to do to slow down and wait for You to help us know Your will. We want to do what is right in Your eyes. Show us today how to stop worrying and being anxious so we can wait for direction from You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

We need to pray about what God wants us to do and learn to wait for His answer before making decisions.

God wants us to be still and listen for what He wants us to do before we make any quick decisions.

God will give us the right answer when we slow down and wait for Him.

Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” (NLT)

We are called to pray about everything and worry about nothing.

Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” (NLT)

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