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bluidkiti 07-30-2021 04:49 AM

Enjoy life and its many blessings
I enjoy life and its many blessings.

Life is full of the most wondrous things. If I were to try to count everything that makes this world so wonderful, there would be too many to list! The more I look around me, I find even more to appreciate.

The beauty abundant in nature always brings a smile to my face. Whether the majesty of a mountain range or the mystery of the ocean, the natural world is full of splendor. Animals, both tame and wild, are a delight to observe. Music and the sounds of the natural world or the taste of my favorite foods give me pleasure. My family and friends, too, bring me so much joy and love. I cherish my time with them.

Through it all, I feel the presence of God all around me as I enjoy the world’s wonders.

You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.—Psalm 16:11

Daily Word

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