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bluidkiti 06-12-2022 07:59 AM

Prayer Before You Speak
Prayer Before You Speak

Father, guide my thoughts before they become my words. Place a guard over my mouth and a watchman over the door of my lips.

When I open my mouth, I ask You to fill it with right words, good words, true words, loving words—words that will point the way to Your heart. May my words be acceptable and pleasing to You as You hear their sound and know the intent behind them.

Use my words this day to heal and not harm, to restore and not separate, to extend mercy and not judgment, to build up and not pull down, to comfort and not injure, to bring sunlight and not shadows, to encourage and not quench, to mend and not wound.

May my words herald good news, be seasoned with salt, and bring grace to the hearer.

If I am to speak correction, may it be with compassion; if I am to exhort, may it be with humility; If I am to instruct, may it be with brokenness; if I am to guide, may it be with wisdom; if I am to inform, may it be with clarity; if I am to counsel, may it be according to Your word.

Guard my tongue from murmuring and my voice from complaint. In all things, may my mouth be filled with words of gratitude, expressions of praise, and proclamations of Your faithfulness.

Scriptures: Exodus 4:15, Psalm 19:14, Psalm 141:3, 2 Timothy 2:14-15, 24-25, 1 Peter 4:11, Colossians 3:15, 4:6

by Roy Lessin

janbear 06-12-2022 11:19 AM

I try a lot to think before I speak. It would be even better if I pray before I speak

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