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bluidkiti 09-06-2022 06:52 AM

Spiritual Vitamins Day 6
Spiritual Vitamins–Day 6 by SGLY Ministry

“Comfort, yes, comfort my people” says your God Isaiah 40:1 (NKJV)

Today’s Thought:

to soothe in distress or sorrow
to console, to have compassion
to ease the body or mind

Could you ease someone’s burden today by offering to help them?
Could you lift someone’s spirit today by offering to pray for them?
Could you bring a smile to someone’s face with a kind word?
Could you cause someone to laugh with a cute joke?
Could you let someone know you care by giving them a hug?

Our world is filled with people who need comfort.

Today’s Action:
Today let your Spiritual Vitamin C become Vitamin “See”.
Take time to look for an opportunity to comfort someone.

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