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bluidkiti 04-28-2024 03:13 AM

What a Waste!
"What a Waste!"

“Worry is a heavy burden, but a kind word always brings cheer.” — Proverbs 12:25 CEV

We find so many things about which to worry — will it storm tomorrow? Will I get a good job? Will he have an accident? Will the bills get paid? We waste so much time worrying that we make ourselves miserable. Someone said, "If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago."

One of the worst things worry will do is to prevent you from sleeping. The best remedy, when you find yourself lying awake worrying, is to get up and do something. You can read a book, watch TV — or best of all, read a favorite Bible passage. It will get your mind off your worry, calm you down and very likely you will be able to go to sleep when you return to your bed.

Elsa put a glass jar in her bedroom. Whenever she began to worry about something, she wrote it down and put it in her "Give-it-to-God" jar. At the end of each month, she would empty the jar and read the worries. To her surprise, she found that very few of them had developed into anything. The longer she kept filling the jar, the more she prayed and the less she worried.

The Bible tells us, "Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts, offer your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel." (Philippians 4:6-7).

And after you offer prayers to the Lord, let go of the requests and listen for God's guidance. Then your actions will bring good results.

Heavenly Father, guide us to think of the blessings you give us, so that we may conquer the worries that attack. Amen.

“Prayerful Living”

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