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BW1 02-05-2015 12:45 PM

More spiritual thoughts
"Life is a tapestry of habits, delicately woven together -thread by thread-by the countless thoughts decisions, choices, ans actions that make up the entirety of our days. Our habits determine, in large part who we are and who we become. If we develop habits that enrich our lives and the lives of others, we are blessed by God. If on the other hand, we fall prey to negative thoughts or destructive behaviors, we suffer...thus those around us suffer."
~ Part of the introduction to the book PRAYERS OF A GODLY WOMAN Second Edition, 2002 Brighton Books, [no author listed] :173:

BW1 02-06-2015 11:11 AM

Psalm 37:7 commands us to wait patiently for God. But aws busy women in a fast paced world, many of us find that waiting quietly for God difficult. Why? Because we are fallible human beings seeking to live according to our own timetable, not God's. in our better moments, we realize that patience is not only a virtue; it is also a commandment from God.

We human beings are impatient by nature. We know what we want, and we know exactly when we want it: NOW! But, God knows better. He has created a world that unfolds according to His plans, not our own. As believers, we must trust His wisdom and His goodness.

God instructs us to be patient in all things. We must be patient with our families, our associates, and ourselves. We must also be patient with our Creator as He unfolds His plan for our lives. And that's as it should be. After all, think how patient God has been with us. [~From the Book --Prayers of a Godly author] :173:

BW1 02-08-2015 01:59 PM

There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still." ~ Corrie ten Boom

BW1 02-09-2015 08:09 PM

I believe that forgiveness can become a continuing cycle; because God forgives us, we're to forgive others; because we forgive others, God forgives us. Scripture presents both parts of the cycle. ~ Shirley Dobson.

BW1 02-10-2015 12:53 PM

Only God, who made our brain and heart, can successfully guide them to a profitable end.

How wise the Lord is in all His creations.

BW1 02-11-2015 12:12 PM

When I am dealing with an all-powerful all-knowing God, I, as a mere mortal must offer my petitions not only with persistence, but also with patience. Someday I'll know why. ~ Ruth Bell Graham

BW1 02-12-2015 11:21 AM

This life of faith, then, consists in just this--being a child in the Father's house. Let the ways of childish confidence and freedom from care, which so please you and win your heart when you observe your own little ones, teach you what you should be in your attitude toward God. ~ Hannah Whitall Smith

BW1 02-13-2015 03:10 AM

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. ~ John 15:13 NIV

BW1 02-14-2015 01:23 PM

Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold. ~ Romans 12:2

BW1 02-15-2015 01:34 PM

Christ is all, and is in all. ~ Colossians 3:11 (NIV)

"There are times in our life when we become aware of our smallness and God's overwhelming greatness. His magnificence is not the kind that pulls us down so He can be exalted at our expense. His majesty motivates and calls us to higher standards and inspires us to serve noble purposes." ~ TEA TIME WITH GOD, pg 85

BW1 02-22-2015 12:02 PM

"Blessed are those who hear the joyful blast of the trumpet, for they shall walk in the light of your presence." ~ Psalm 89:15 (TLB)

Want to share a line from the intro to Beth Moore's book as a suggestion for all today....

"Do only what blesses and not what burdens."

BW1 02-23-2015 01:43 PM

We are never stronger than the moment we admit we are weak. ~ Beth Moore

BW1 02-24-2015 02:50 PM

"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward." ~ Soren Kierkegaard.

BW1 02-26-2015 06:05 AM

"Your heart will remember what the mind forgets."

^^^ I found that statement just last night. It jumped off the page at me. Perfect timing for me to see, hear, feel.
Thank you God for that reassurance as it is answered a prayer as well as chased away a deep seated fear that took roots & remained within me when I first got sick.

BW1 02-27-2015 03:13 AM

"In everything set them an example by doing what is good." Titus 2:7

***Lord, make me a worthy example to my family and friends. *****

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