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bluidkiti 03-19-2015 01:21 PM

Stones of Remembrance
God's Word For Today

Stones of Remembrance

Read Joshua 4:1 through 6:27; Mark 14:43–65

When they farmed near the natural stone tower of Chimney Rock in Nebraska during the 1930s, the god-fearing Lewis Durnal family saw many miracles happen. Sometimes they saw tornadoes or hailstorms miraculously turned away from their home and crops. In later years, Lewis would often point out pictures of Chimney Rock and tell his grandchildren those tales of God’s protection. Many years later, his grandchildren still share Lewis’ stories with their children. The memories return whenever they see a photo of the famous rock tower.

“These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever” (Joshua 4:7).

God told the Israelites to remove stones from the middle of the dry Jordan River and set them down where travelers would see them. As their children asked about those stones, the parents would remember to share the stories of God’s miracles with them. These stones were visible proof of God’s amazing rescue of His people.

Challenge for Today: Think about a time when God rescued or helped you. Share that story with someone you know.

MajestyJo 03-20-2015 11:39 PM

Once read that "Stones need people to pick them up and take them to where they need to be." So if you see a stone, and it catches your eye, pick it up, hold it, keep it for a while, enjoy the gift from the Creator, pass it on or just move it around to a different place, what ever you are guided to do.

The difference in today is that I notice them. They don't even have to be fancy and all a glitter, they just have to speak to me. I feel they were made by the Creator just as I was and they bring me down to size, we are all part of the whole.

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