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bluidkiti 03-24-2015 08:58 AM

One Thing is Needed
One Thing is Needed
“...You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed — or indeed only one. ...”
(Luke 10:41–42, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Do you ever find that you have so much on your “to do” list that you don’t even know what to do next? The question is, is all of that really necessary? Scripture says there is only one thing needed in life and that is to sit at the feet of Jesus. When we sit in His presence, we get to know Him. We hear His voice and He shows us the way that we should go. When we don’t take time for Him, that’s when we feel the cares and worries of the world.

Today, take a moment to evaluate how you are spending your time. Tune out unnecessary distractions and tune in to His voice. Make time for Him every single day because that is the one thing that is needed!
Father, today I choose to set my heart and mind on You. I choose to cast my cares and focus on what’s most important — hearing your voice so I can follow Your ways! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

MajestyJo 03-24-2015 11:35 PM

I was told it was alright to just be. You didn't always have to be busy doing. All I had to do was the next thing that came in front of me to be done. First things first, what is a priority here? My sobriety was first, without that, I had nothing. Nothing could come between it, if it did, it became my God.

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