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bluidkiti 09-28-2015 08:18 AM

Spiritual Highs: Real or Counterfeit?
Spiritual Highs: Real or Counterfeit?

Luke 9:28-37

God gives us high spiritual experiences in order to reveal truth about Himself. But how do you know if your experience is authentic or not? Any spiritual event that magnifies itself or some other activity but does not direct your attention to God is, more than likely, counterfeit. When God lifts us up, He does so to focus our thoughts on Him.

That’s what happened at the Mount of Transfiguration: As they stood in the presence of God in human flesh, Peter, James, and John saw Jesus in all His majesty. Observing Him there with Moses and Elijah, who were deceased, the disciples realized there is life after death. The things they learned frightened them, but the Lord was revealing something they would never forget.

Why does God open our hearts and give us glimpses of Himself? By doing so, He strengthens and motivates us for His purposes. At the same time, He helps us to absorb understanding that will transcend any future doubt. Peter and his companions were never the same after the transfiguration. Even when their beloved Lord was taken and crucified, nothing could erase their indelible memories of the miracle they’d witnessed.

The idea that God is somewhere far away from us isn’t scriptural. He wants to unveil Himself to His people and commune through His Holy Spirit. If you have never heard God speak, could it be that there is too much noise in your life distracting you from Him? Next time you are in church, don’t simply go through the motions. God wants to say something to you that will make a difference in your life. If you listen to Him, He will.

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