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bluidkiti 12-02-2015 05:28 AM

An Exceptional Future
Today’s Scripture
“The path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day...”
(Proverbs 4:18, AMP)

An Exceptional Future

We all face challenges. We all have obstacles to overcome. But if we can keep the right perspective, it will help us stay in faith so that we can move forward into victory. You may feel, right now, like the challenges you face are too big or too overwhelming. One thing I’ve learned is that average people have average problems. Ordinary people have ordinary challenges. But remember, you’re not average. You’re not ordinary. You are extraordinary. God breathed His life into you. You are exceptional, and exceptional people face exceptional difficulties. But the good news is that we serve an exceptional God! When you have an incredible problem, instead of being discouraged, you should be encouraged knowing that you’re an incredible person, and you have an incredible future. Your path is shining brighter and brighter because of your incredible God!

Be encouraged today because your life is on an extraordinary path. Keep standing in faith, keep declaring victory, keep declaring the promises of God over your life because you have an exceptional future!
A Prayer for Today
“Father, today I lift my eyes to You. I know that You are the One who helps me and has given me an extraordinary future. I choose to stand in faith today knowing that You have a wonderful plan in store for me in Jesus’ name! Amen.”

Joel Osteen

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