Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

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Carlotta 03-11-2016 01:21 PM

Hello from Seattle

I have been sober since January 2013 and I am quite active on 2 other internet recovery forums.
I have been posting a few of the daily readings on a very small recovery forum ran by a friend (Rusty Zipper's Ratbusters) for the past year or so. Whenever the sites I get the readings from are down, I end up coming here and BluIdKiti always have them up (often a day in advance).
Anyway, I decided to quit lurking for a minute, register and thank you Blu for helping me out with my commitment this past year :27:

Have a wonderful sober week end everyone.

bluidkiti 03-11-2016 03:11 PM

Thank you! Congratulations on your sober time! :29: It is great to see you here Carlotta! :17: Please make yourself at home. I hope you will keep coming and sharing with us. Have a great day! :42:

Carlotta 03-12-2016 01:19 PM

Thank you for the nice welcome Blu :)
One of the readings site is down so it looks like I will be checking here daily.
I love your avatar. Is it your cat?
Mine is my "nephew" Jack Nebelung aka Jack. His dad is older and sick so I babysit him whenever his dad is in the hospital (I also spend a lot of time there helping his dad).

bluidkiti 03-13-2016 07:04 AM

Jack is very handsome. My avatar is a picture of my girl, Sugar. She likes to lay in a chair beside me when I am on the computer then when I go in the living room and sit in the recliner, I have a chair beside me there that she lays in. She loves being close to her mommy. :27:

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