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Old 04-04-2014, 10:39 PM   #2
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Fororc me, it is sleep when I get it. It has been a little better, but for the most part, in today, my nights and days get turned around.

Last night I couldn't sleep because of pain, tried for 3 hours with prayer, meditation, reflexology, and foot baths. I found it is something I can't force, like everything else, when I try to make it happen, it alludes me. My mind can get busy and say, "You should be sleeping, It is night time you know, what can I do to make this all go away, instead of asking for it to be taken." It is very much in the day and in the moment like everything else. Today I missed all my afternoon TV programs, in the last week I missed curling and tennis, because I couldn't stay awake to watch.

Like most things, it is acceptance. It is about me and my attitude. It is not trying to fight it, and try to stay awake because.... For me, recovery is about getting up in the morning, living my day, and giving thanks at night. I do this, just not always on the same time schedule, mine or that of others.

Today I was hurting, put on some heat and found myself singing Jesus Loves Me. I did not need it to remind me, I sang it to comfort me. It happened after I woke up about 4:45 p.m. Did not get to sleep today until after 10 a.m.

It is normal to have sleep issues, especially in early recovery. The recovery house I went to, told us:-lack of sleep never hurt anyone. Not sure about that when I go 20-36 hours without it. I am still here, so it must be true.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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