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Old 05-31-2014, 10:59 AM   #7
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When I saw this today, I had the thought, `There is goodness in everything if we are prepared to look for it.` So often we judge people, places, and things by their cover, I was told to listen for the message, instead of looking at the messenger.

The same thing with, we carry the message not the messenger. That is enabling and putting a cushion under someone`s bottom, so they can`t hit their bottom hard enough to want to quit their drug of choice, or they switched to an alternative substance.

Part of my guilt with my son was the fact that I said to him, `Don`t let me hear of you smoking that wacky tobacco.` So he smoked it and didn`t tell me about it, and I learned through other sources.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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