The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. Everything looked better on someone else and everyone else seemedd to do it better and I wanted what they had.
Through some of the readings, and circumstances in my life, it has kept coming up about doing something asking for forgiveness and then going back out and doing it again.
I just realized it isn't about someone going back after church and drinking and drugging, beating their wife, cheating, lying, and stealing, it is about me eating chocolate. I am good, but even if I don't buy chocolate, I bought banana cake, I put chocolate icing on it. It may seem a small in in comparison, but it is a big sin to a diabetic, especially when my average went from 5-6 to 6-7 and my last reading was 8.8 which deleted my 6.2 reading in the morning. God and I have more work to do on this.
When I first saw the title, I thought, "Why would you look for the bad when the good is there?" The thought quickly followed, "You are an alcoholic/addict dummy, get off your high horse, it doesn't matter where you are at in today, it is still a fact and it is still waiting for you to open a crack in you mind to let it in and it will take over and you will wonder what happened."