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Old 02-23-2015, 06:40 PM   #3
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When I see the title, my thought is "take the walls down, they are generally of our own making." Ask God for the courage and strength to remove the obstacles, that are in our way.

It is not so much as getting over what is there but recognizing them for what they are ad how they got there in the first place, so that they don't appear again. Sometimes they require us to set up boundaries, other times they are because we have given up our power and allowed something into our life that is an old tape or something that we have been told should be there, when in fact, it is not good for us in today. It might have been good in the past but no longer serves us in today.

Sometimes walls keeps things out that should be allowed in. Other times they keep things in that should be allowed out.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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