12-20-2015, 01:26 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
Posts: 25,078
Food For Thought
From Hazelden
DEC 20
A No Fault Illness
Formerly, we may have blamed our parents, a disappointment in love, economic insecurity, or a million other factors for our addiction to compulsive overeating. We probably spent much time and energy trying to figure out why we overate.
When we get honest with ourselves, we assume the responsibility for our own actions, instead of trying to shift it somewhere else. Many of us come to believe that we would be compulsive overeaters no matter what the circumstances of our lives. As we recover, we see that the why of our illness is unanswerable and unimportant. What counts is how we control it.
We do not continue to berate ourselves for having this illness, or consider ourselves physically, morally, or spiritually inferior for having contracted it. Blaming ourselves is as useless as blaming someone else. We accept the fact that through no one's fault we have the disease of compulsive overeating. Then we get on with the business of learning to control this illness with the help of our Higher Power and the OA program.
I blame no one for my illness.
This is a good one. I use to blame everyone for everything that went wrong in my world. As they say, "I am responsible for my own happiness. Happiness comes from within." Using food and other people, keeps me in active addiction.
Love always,
I share because I care.