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Old 02-02-2016, 02:35 PM   #12
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Food for Thought
February 2

Giving Thanks

I am a grateful compulsive overeater, abstaining just for today. I am thankful for my life, for the chance to grow and solve problems and love and enjoy what is beautiful. I give thanks for the insights, which have come out of struggle and despair.

I am thankful for OA. Without it, I would still be isolated in a hopeless attempt to control overeating my way, by myself. I give thanks for the serenity and joy which increase daily as I follow the OA program. I give thanks for the love and support, which come to me from fellow members.

Especially, I am thankful for abstinence. By choosing and accepting this gift, I enter a new world of freedom. No longer am I driven by compulsion. I give thanks for the work and play and love which abstinence makes possible.

Accept my thanks.
In order to have a spiritual awakening, I had to find some gratitude and change my attitude. Focus on the positive, instead of the negative. Look at what I had, instead of what I didn't have. My God meets my needs, a lot of what is sent I disregard because it isn't what I want in the moment. When I get needy, I get greedy. That means I have blocked my God and all His/Her goodness from me and I am back in the me, the great I am.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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