Today's Turning Point with David Jeremiah
We’ll Understand
Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” John 13:7
Recommended Reading
John 13:1-7 [ ]
Maxwell Cornelius left his family’s farm in Pennsylvania to become a brick mason in Pittsburgh, but tragedy struck when he was a young man. He lost his leg when the wall of a house collapsed. Leaving the construction trade, he went into the ministry. His wife battled disability, forcing them to leave their church and move to California for the climate. There he led another congregation into a building program, but the economy failed. Despite all his hardships and setbacks, Cornelius maintained a positive attitude and later wrote a hymn, which was quite popular in its day. The words are timeless: “Not now, but in the coming years, / It may be in the better land, / We’ll read the meaning of our tears, / And there, some time, we’ll understand.”
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We won’t understand life completely on earth, but one day we’ll be with the One who does. As Pastor Adrian Rogers said, “In the storms of our lives, we never see the full picture. But one day we will see it all; one day the circle will be complete.”1
God knows the way, He holds the key, / He guides us with unerring hand; / Some time with tearless eyes we’ll see; / Yes, there, up there, we’ll understand.
Maxwell Cornelius , from the hymn “Sometime We’ll Understand”
1Adrian Rogers, Unveiling the End Times (Nashville: B&H, 2013), 77.
Jeremiah 44 – 46 [ ]