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Old 02-26-2017, 08:47 AM   #1
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Default Take Your Life Back

Today’s Scripture
“...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
(2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV)

Take Your Life Back

Do you ever feel like things in your life are out of control? Usually that happens when we allow our circumstances to dictate our thoughts and attitudes. You might say, “Well, the economy is wreaking havoc on my business.” Or, “This relationship is just too far gone.” Today is the day to take your life back! We live in this natural realm, but as believers, we are not limited by this natural realm. We can tap into God’s supernatural power, but it starts by making every thought line up with the Word of God.

Today, take your life back by taking your thoughts back. Don’t allow the enemy to have access any longer. Instead, meditate on the Word of God daily and allow His truth to sink down deep into your spirit. Let His truth set you free!
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for empowering me to live in victory. I choose to take my life back by taking captive every thought and submitting it to You. Help me to live a life that is pleasing to You today and every day in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Joel Osteen
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
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