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Old 06-08-2017, 11:46 PM   #2
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At my meeting today, someone reminded me of take what you need and put the rest on the shelf, because you may need it later on. A friend said, "Take what you don't need, put it on the shelf, until you meet someone else who needs it and you can pass it forward.

I agree that things that served me well in early recovery may no longer serve me, but there is no saying, that I might not find myself in that same lesson and situation again.

I believe God leads us to it and He will see us through it. I sometimes think He has more faith in me that I have in Him. But I do know, if I don't learn the lesson the first time, he will bring me back to confront the issue again.

As we build a more personal relationship with the God of our understanding, we can find new truths, truths that we believe in that we never did before, and we have a new awareness of God working in our life. I always like to think of a post I made before, where I meditation said, "Give thanks, it is already on it's way.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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