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Old 04-01-2020, 04:08 AM   #2
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Dear Phoenix,. T hanks for sharing. Have found that the 12 Steps work for everyone. It is the God of your understanding. If your understanding is that there is no God or your God is a different concept from others, the 12 Steps work.

As my friend use to say, God should not have been mentioned in the first 3 Steps. You find your understanding of YOUR God by working and applying the Steps .

Step One, I came to the fellowship of recovery (Fellowship you identify the most with).
Step Two, came to. Came to realize I had a problem and my way doesn't work. My best thinking got me to the doors of recovery.
Step Three, came to believe that the program would work for me. I came and saw people doing what I had been trying to do for 8 years.

The program is Steps 4-9, and in order to maintain my recovery, I needed to work Steps 10-12.

Good luck on your journey

Love always,


I share because I care.

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