“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. – Mark 11:23 (NIV)
Doubt is a monster because if it’s left to grow, it can destroy your faith.
Today’s Monster: Doubt
It’s really easy in difficult times to begin to doubt. You might doubt if God really cares about you. It’s easy to wonder if things will ever get better or change.
All these feelings are natural. So don’t feel bad for having them. However, don’t stop here. Don’t spend too much time dwelling on your doubts.
Here’s the truth. God cares about you. He tells us time and time in His word that He loves us. He shows us again and again through stories in the Bible that He takes care of and protects those who place their trust in Him. That’s the truth.
However, when things get tough, it’s easy to lose focus on the truth. It’s easy to let our current circumstances be more real to us that God’s love.
So today, if you’ve been guilty of focusing on your problems and difficulties instead of God, determine to do something different. Choose to focus your attention on the goodness of God. Read scriptures about how much God loves you. As you do, you’ll find that your doubts become less real.
Don’t believe the lie that God doesn’t care or doesn’t love you. Nothing could be farther from the truth! God cares and He hasn’t left you alone.